Quick Start

Use flagship CLI to create and manage your Flagship resources such as projects, campaigns, teams etc...

Configure the CLI

1 - Retrieve your credentials


Access to your credentials

This feature and the access to the generation of credentials is related to the Remote Control API, it's still in Early Adoption phase, if you want to try it and have any questions, feel free to ask [email protected]

Create credentials

Create credentials

2 - Use configuration create command

Once you retrieve your credentials, use the flagship configuration createcmd to create your configuration. You can create a configuration in two ways:

insert credentials


insert a file

The file inserted must have the same schema as the example below in order to extract the credentials.

name: configuration_name
account_id: ai
account_environment_id: aei
client_id: ci
client_secret: cs
flagship configuration create -p PATH_FILE

The flagship configuration create command creates a file with the configuration name as fileName and stores it in $HOME/.flagship/configurations/CONFIGURATION_NAME.yaml and writes the value of the flags as key-value pairs then you can use the use command to generate the access token to manage your flagship resources automatically.


List configurations

You can use the commandflagship configuration listto check your configurations

3 - Use configuration use command

The use command lets you select the configuration you want to manage

flagship configuration use -n CONFIGURATION_NAME

The command generates a token that expires after 24 hours and automatically refreshes.


CLI usage

After selecting a configuration, you are good to go !