V2 (latest)


The Decision API is a RESTful API that serves as the engine behind Flagship. It is published on Amazon API Gateway and distributed in eight regions with collocated AWS Lambda and DynamoDB Global Tables to deliver exceptional performance across the globe.

You can access the Decision API endpoints to trigger visitor assignments according to the targeting criteria you define in the Flagship dashboard and receive responses with flag, campaign, and variation details.

Implementing the Decision API directly in your application lets you and your team fine-tune each call and digest every response without any additional layers between Flagship and your applications.

The Decision API is language-agnostic by design, meaning you can use Flagship even if your stack includes a variety of programming languages, or if you would like to experiment with more specialized languages or frameworks for which we don't yet offer a dedicated SDK.

If you'd rather use an SDK with preconfigured methods to implement the Decision API, you can see the full list of available languages and learn more about SDK-specific features here.

We have language bindings in Shell (Curl) and Javascript (ES6). You can toggle between programming languages by using the tabs above each code example.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this documentation.


Decision API resources are authenticated with an API key. This version of the Decision API requires the API Key to be sent in the following HTTP header:

x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY

You can access your API Key in the Flagship Platform, inside Parameters / Environment & Security


API throttling

The API endpoint /campaigns is limited to a certain amount of calls:

  • 200req/s with a temporary burst of 600req/s

If you were to have more call than planned, you will received a 429 error, enabling the default behavior for your users.

Want a higher limitation? Nothing is impossible 😉 Contact your dedicated account manager or our support.

Flagship endpoints


Run all campaign assignments

This endpoint retrieves all the campaigns that correspond to the specified user and context attributes.

By default, the API will send a CAMPAIGN hit to Flagship for each campaign in the response to notify the report that the visitor_id has been assigned to it.

const response = await axios.post(
    visitor_id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
    context: {
    visitor_consent: true,
    decision_group: null,
    headers: { "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY" },
curl -X POST \
  https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
        "visitor_id": "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        "context": {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        "decision_group": null

The above command returns JSON structured as follows:

  "visitorId": "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
  "campaigns": [
      "id": "<CAMPAIGN_ID>",
      "variationGroupId": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
      "variation": {
        "id": "<VARIATION_ID>",
        "modifications": {
          "type": "JSON",
          "value": {
            "key": "value"
HTTP Request
POST https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns
Route Parameters
ENVIRONMENT_IDyesIdentifies your account and environment (preprod or prod). Check your Flagship dashboard to find this ID.
Query Parameters
modenonormalSpecifies the format of the response body used by Flagship to return your campaign information. See description
Body Parameters
visitor_idstringyesUnique identifier for the application user or website visitor. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. Learn more
anonymous_idstringnoemptyIdentifier for the application user or website visitor when the visitor is anonymous. This can be a session ID for instance. Learn more
contextobjectnoemptyJSON object of key-value pairs describing the user and device context. Learn more
visitor_consentbooleannotrueDetermines if your visitor has consented or not to your GDPR rules. See description
trigger_hitbooleannotrueDetermines whether a CAMPAIGN hit should be automatically sent to Flagship for each campaign targeting the user. Learn more
decision_groupstringnoemptyIf specified, users that match the targeting will be affected to a unique variation ID per decision group. See description


The visitor_id should be a unique identifier for your application user or website visitor. Using a consistent visitor_id is what guarantees that a visitor will see the same variation of a campaign across sessions and clients.

Response Parameters

This API endpoint returns a Campaign response JSON object. See campaign response model

visitorIdstringThe visitor ID as you sent it in the request (only if mode=normal or mode=full).
campaignsarrayAn array of all the campaigns to which the user is assigned (only if mode=normal or mode=full). See Campaign response model
campaignsVariationarrayAn array of campaign IDs and the assigned variation ID (only if mode=simple or mode=full). See Campaign Variation response model
mergedModificationsobjectA key-value object of all the merged modifications of the campaign (only if mode=simple or mode=full).

Run a single campaign assignment

This endpoint retrieves the assignment of your visitor ID with a specific context (key-value pairs) to the specified campaign ID.

By default, the API will send a CAMPAIGN hit to Flagship for each campaign in the response to trigger campaign assignment events for the visitor_id.

const response = await axios.post(
    visitor_id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
    context: {
    // Warning: use this parameter for GDPR compliance. See #visitor-consent for details
    visitor_consent: true,
    // Optional: see #decision-groups for details
    decision_group: null,
    headers: { "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY" },
curl -X POST \
  https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns/<CAMPAIGN_ID> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
        "visitor_id": "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        "context": {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        // Optional: see #decision-groups for details
        "decision_group": null

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "<CAMPAIGN_ID>",
  "variationGroupId": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
  "variation": {
    "id": "<VARIATION_ID>",
    "modifications": {
      "type": "JSON",
      "value": {
        "key": "value"
HTTP Request
POST https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns/<CAMPAIGN_ID>
Query Parameters
ENVIRONMENT_IDyesIdentifies your account and environment (preprod or prod). Check your Flagship dashboard to find this ID.
CAMPAIGN_IDyesIdentifies the campaign for which you want to check the user's assignment. You can use Flagship generated campaign ID or the slug you specified for your campaign.
Body Parameters
visitor_idstringyesUnique identifier for the application user or website visitor. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. Learn more
anonymous_idstringnoemptyIdentifier for the application user or website visitor when the visitor is anonymous. This can be a session ID for instance. Learn more
contextobjectnoemptyJSON object of key-value pairs describing the user and device context. Learn more
visitor_consentbooleannotrueDetermines if your visitor has consented or not to your GDPR rules. If yes, the context key-value pairs will be saved in your data segments and you will be able to filter on it. Learn more
decision_groupstringnoemptyIf specified, users that match the targeting will be affected to a unique variation ID per decision group. See description
format_responseboolnofalseIf set to true, the response of the API call will be formatted according to your modification type. See formatted response
default_redirect_urlstringnoemptyIf specified, the API call will always return a 302 redirect, with the modification redirection if defined, or the default_redirect_url if not defined


The visitor_id should be a unique identifier for your application user or website visitor. Using a consistent visitor_id is what guarantees that a visitor will see the same variation of a campaign across sessions and clients.

See Experience Continuity to provide consistency between the anonymous & logged in state of your visitor.

Response Parameters

This API endpoint returns a Campaign response JSON object. See campaign response model


This endpoint has the same behavior of /campaigns (See campaign body parameters) endpoint but the response format is different.
After processing the request, the API returns **the list of flags **with values, campaign, and variation associated.

curl -X POST \
  https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/flags \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
        "visitor_id": "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        "context": {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        "decision_group": null
const response = await axios.post(
    visitor_id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
    context: {
    visitor_consent: true,
    decision_group: null,
    headers: { "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY" },

The above command returns JSON structured as follows:

    "<FLAG_KEY>": {
        "value": "<FLAG_VALUE>",
        "metadata": {
            "campaignId": "<CAMPAIGN_ID>",
            "slug": null,
            "type": "ab",
            "variationGroupId": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
            "variationId": "<VARIATION_ID>",
            "reference": false

HTTP Request

POST https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/flags

Route Parameters

ENVIRONMENT_IDyesIdentifies your account and environment (preprod or prod). Check your Flagship dashboard to find this ID.

Query Parameters

exposeAllKeysnotrueIf this parameter is set to true, all flag keys (even flag keys with null values will be returned in the response)

Body Parameters

Body parameters are the same than the /campaigns endpoint. See campaign body parameters.

Response Parameters

This API endpoint returns an associative array of flag response JSON object. The key of this array is the flag key. See flag.

Campaign activation

This endpoint assigns a user to a variation. It should be used to manually activate a single campaign and variation
in cases where you choose not to activate them automatically when running campaign assignment. See trigger_hit parameter


You create a campaign targeting visitors who are on the cart checkout screen of your mobile app.
At the initialization of your app, you want to get all campaigns and modifications associated with a user.

Since they are not on the basket screen yet, you don't want to assign the user to a variation at this stage. Instead, you would call this endpoint to assign the user to a variation only once they actually belong to the campaign.

const response = await axios.post("https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate", {
  vid: "<YOUR_VISITOR_ID>",
  cid: "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
  vaid: "<VARIATION_ID>",
curl -X POST \
  "https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "vid": "<YOUR_VISITOR_ID>",
        "cid": "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
        "caid": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
        "vaid": "<VARIATION_ID>"

The above request returns a 204: No Content HTTP response.

HTTP Request

POST https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate

Body Parameters

vidstringyesemptyUnique identifier for the application user or website visitor. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. Learn more
cidstringyesemptyIdentifies your account and environment (preprod or prod). Check your Flagship dashboard to find this ID.
caidstringyesemptyCorresponds to the variationGroupID returned by the Decision API. Learn more
vaidstringyesemptyThe variation ID of which the user will be affected to. Learn more

Multiple campaigns activations

It is possible to send multiple campaigns activation in a single http call following this batch format:

const response = await axios.post("https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate", {
  cid: "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
  batch: [{
      vid: "<YOUR_VISITOR_ID>",
      caid: "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
      vaid: "<VARIATION_ID>"
      vid: "<YOUR_VISITOR_ID>",
      caid: "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
      vaid: "<VARIATION_ID>",
      qt: 2134
cidstringyesemptyIdentifies your account and environment (preprod or prod). Check your Flagship dashboard to find this ID.
batcharrayyesemptyCorresponds to the list of campaign to activate.
vidstringyesemptyUnique identifier for the application user or website visitor. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. Learn more
caidstringyesemptyCorresponds to the variationGroupID returned by the Decision API. Learn more
vaidstringyesemptyThe variation ID of which the user will be affected to. Learn more
qtintegerno0Used to collect offline / latent hits. The value represents the time delta (in milliseconds) between when the hit being reported occurred and the time the hit was sent. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. Values greater than four hours may lead to hits not being processed.

Request parameters

Visitor Consent

The visitor_consent parameter handle if the visitor has accepted or not the GDPR rules.
If not, all context key-value pairs in the request won't be saved sent in the collect.
You must set this parameter false to be GDPR compliant when your visitor has not validated your rules.
If not set, the default value is true.

Decision Group

The decision_group requests parameter enables your app to force the same variation assignment for a specific group of visitors.


  • You call the Decision API for a user with visitor_id=1, campaign_id=1, and decision_group=VIP_users. The assigned variationId will be selected randomly depending on the chosen traffic allocation) (e.g. variationId=1234).
  • You call the Decision API for a second user withvisitor_id=2, campaign_id=1, and the same decision_group=VIP_users. Because this user belongs to the same decision_group as the first, the API will assign them to the same variationId=1234 instead of a new random variation.


Decision Group and variation assignation

A visitor changing from a decision group to another could see his variation assignation changing.

**Ex: **You manage the decision group to be an account_id. Your visitors have access to several accounts. Changing from an account to another will not display the same level of feature/variations to your end-users as the account might not have the same configuration.

Trigger Hit

The trigger_hit parameter enables your code to automatically trigger the Universal Collect CAMPAIGN hit so that our reporting systems know that the visitor has seen the campaign.


The trigger_hit parameter is set to true by default unless you manually set it to false.


The mode query parameter allows you to change to format of the response in which the Decision API returns the campaign information:


mode=normal returns the visitorId and campaigns array with the full campaign information.

For mode=normal, the response body will have the following format:

  "visitorId": "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
  "campaigns": [
      "id": "<CAMPAIGN_ID>",
      "variationGroupId": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
      "variation": {
        "id": "<VARIATION_ID>",
        "modifications": {
          "type": "JSON",
          "value": {
            "key": "value"


  • mode=simple returns two elements:
    • a campaignsVariation array of campaignId and associated variationId for the visitor
    • a mergedModifications object containing all the remote values configured for the campaigns, merged into a single object

For mode=simple, the response body will have the following format:

  "campaignsVariation": [
      "campaignId": "bk6d4m8r1p60038pr0t0",
      "variationId": "bk6d5dgr1p60071psgb0"
      "campaignId": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3sb0",
      "variationId": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3scg"
  "mergedModifications": {
    "Test": true,
    "btn-color": "red",
    "my_text": "Welcome dude",
    "youpitext": "Hello"


  • mode=full returns all the elements for debugging purposes:
    • the visitorId
    • the campaigns array containing all the campaign information for this visitor
    • a campaignsVariation array of all campaignId and associated variationId values for the visitor
    • a mergedModifications object containing all the remote values configured for the campaigns, merged into a single object

For mode=full, the response body will have the following format:

  "visitorId": "visitor1234",
  "campaigns": [
      "id": "bk6d4m8r1p60038pr0t0",
      "variationGroupId": "bk6d4m8r1p60038pr0u0",
      "variation": {
        "id": "bk6d5dgr1p60071psgb0",
        "modifications": {
          "type": "JSON",
          "value": {
            "btn-color": "red"
      "id": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3sb0",
      "variationGroupId": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3sc0",
      "variation": {
        "id": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3scg",
        "modifications": {
          "type": "TEXT",
          "value": {
            "youpitext": "Hello AB Tasty!"
  "campaignsVariation": [
      "campaignId": "bk6d4m8r1p60038pr0t0",
      "variationId": "bk6d5dgr1p60071psgb0"
      "campaignId": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3sb0",
      "variationId": "bkk5da8cmjcg07ee3scg"
  "mergedModifications": {
    "Test": true,
    "btn-color": "red",
    "my_text": "Welcome, dude",
    "youpitext": "Hello"

Response models


Field nametypeDescription
visitorIdstringUnique identifier for the application user or website visitor. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. Learn more
variationGroupIdstringCorresponds to a scenario in the Flagship dashboard)
variationobjectThe assigned variation information
variation.idstringThe affected variation ID
variation.modificationsobjectThe variation modifications information
variation.modifications.typestringThe modification type for the campaign (can be NULL, JSON, TEXT, IMAGE, HTML, FLAG, REDIRECT)
variation.modifications.valueobjectThe value of the modification


The variation.modifications.value field can have the following structure, depending on the modification type:

  • type = 'JSON': value is a key-value pair of the JSON modification defined in the platform for the campaign
  • type = 'TEXT': value is an object with the structure {key:'text_key', value:'text_value'}
  • type = 'IMAGE': value is an object with the structure {key:'image_key', value:'image_value'}
  • type = 'HTML': value is an object with the structure {key:'html_key', value:'html_value'}
  • type = 'REDIRECT': value is an object with the structure {key:'redirect_key', value:'redirect_value'}
  • type = 'FLAG': value is an object with the structure {'flag_name': 'flag_value'}

Campaign Variation

Field nametypeDescription
campaignIdstringIdentifies the campaign
variationIdstringThe variation ID assigned to the user

Formatted campaign

If you set the format_response parameter to true in the campaign request, the Decision API will attempt to return HTTP-formatted content for your campaign modifications.

The formatted content depends on the campaign modification type configured in the Flagship dashboard:

Modification typeContent-TypeStatus CodeHTTP response body
JSONapplication/JSON200The JSON object defined for the campaign
TEXTtext/plain200The text defined for the campaign
HTMLtext/HTML200The HTML defined the campaign
IMAGEimage200The content of the image URL defined for the campaign
REDIRECTapplication/JSON302The key/value JSON object of the flags defined for the campaign
FLAGapplication/JSON200The key/value JSON object of the flags defined for the campaign


Field nametypeDescription
valueobjectValue of the flag, it can be an object, a string, an integer, or a boolean.
metadataobjectMetadata of the flag
metadata.campaignIdstringID of the campaign associated with this flag
metadata.campaignNamestringName of the campaign
metadata.slugstringSlug of the campaign (if configured in the platform)
metadata.typestringType of the campaign
metadata.variationGroupIdstringID of the variation group associated with this flag
metadata.variationGroupNamestringName of the variation group
metadata.variationIdstringID of the variation associated with this flag
metadata.variationNamestringName of the variation
metadata.referencestringIndicated if the variation associated is a reference variation of the campaign

Experience Continuity

In some situations, you may want experience consistency between an anonymous visitor and an authenticated visitor.

Flagship provides a specific body parameter to specify the anonymous ID and differentiate it from the authenticated ID.

Anonymous visitor

When your visitor is considered anonymous (their ID is of type session ID), you can use the visitor_id field alone. The Decision API will see your visitor as anonymous.

Their experience will be consistent as long as they remain anonymous.

Code sample

curl -X POST \
  https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
        "visitor_id": "{session_id}",
        "context": {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        "visitor_consent": true,
        "decision_group": null
fetch("https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns", {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    body: JSON.stringify({
        visitor_id: "{session_id}",
        context: {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        visitor_consent: true,
        decision_group: null
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data));

$postFields = [
    "visitor_id" => "{session_id}",
    "context" => [
        "YOUR KEY" => "YOUR VALUE"
    "visitor_consent" => true,
    "trigger_hit" => true,
    "decision_group" => null

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postFields, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));

$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$headers[] = 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY';

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

$result = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);

public class Class1
    async Task GetMyCampaignsAsync()
        using HttpClient httpClient = new();

        var url = "https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns";
        var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url);

        requestMessage.Headers.Add("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
        requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        var postData = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["visitorId"] = "{session_id}",
            ["context"] = new Dictionary<string, object> { ["YOUR KEY"] = "YOUR VALUE" },
            ["visitor_consent"] = true,
            ["decision_group"] = null

        var postDatajson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postData);

        var stringContent = new StringContent(postDatajson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        requestMessage.Content = stringContent;

        var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);


Authenticated visitor

Once your visitor has been authenticated and has an authenticated ID (Database ID, profile ID, ...), you call the Decision API again and change the visitor_id in the body from the session ID to the authenticated ID.

But in order for the experience to remain the same between anonymous and authenticated, you need to inform the Decision API about the previous anonymous ID of this user.

To do that, you need to fill the anonymous_id with the previous ID you had set on visitor_id body parameter. The API will internally link the 2 IDs & keep the experience the same.

Code sample

curl -X POST \
  https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{
        "visitor_id": "{new_authenticated_id}",
        "anonymous_id": "{session_id}",
        "context": {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        "visitor_consent": true,
        "decision_group": null
fetch("https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns", {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    body: JSON.stringify({
        visitor_id: "{new_authenticated_id}",
        anonymous_id: "{session_id}",
        context: {
            "YOUR KEY": "YOUR VALUE"
        visitor_consent: true,
        decision_group: null
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data));

$postFields = [
    "visitor_id" => "{new_authenticated_id}",
    "anonymous_id" => "{session_id}",
    "context" => [
        "YOUR KEY" => "YOUR VALUE"
    "visitor_consent" => true,
    "trigger_hit" => true,
    "decision_group" => null

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postFields, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));

$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$headers[] = 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY';

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

$result = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);

public class Class1
    async Task GetMyCampaignsAsync()
        using HttpClient httpClient = new();

        var url = "https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns";
        var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url);

        requestMessage.Headers.Add("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
        requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        var postData = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["visitorId"] = "{new_authenticated_id}",
            ["anonymous_id"] = "{session_id}",
            ["context"] = new Dictionary<string, object> { ["YOUR KEY"] = "YOUR VALUE" },
            ["visitor_consent"] = true,
            ["decision_group"] = null

        var postDatajson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postData);

        var stringContent = new StringContent(postDatajson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        requestMessage.Content = stringContent;

        var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);


Visitor activation

If you decide to set trigger_hit to false, which means that you want to delay the visitor activation, you need to send both IDs at the activation step.

Code sample

curl -X POST \
  "https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "vid": "{new_authenticated_id}",
        "aid": "{session_id}",
        "cid": "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
        "caid": "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
        "vaid": "<VARIATION_ID>"
fetch("https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate", {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify({
        vid: "{new_authenticated_id}",
        aid: "{session_id}",
        cid: "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
        caid: "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
        vaid: "<VARIATION_ID>"
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data));

$postFields = [
    "vid" => "{new_authenticated_id}",
    "aid" => "{session_id}",
    "cid" => "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
    "caid" => "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
    "vaid" => "<VARIATION_ID>"

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://decision.flagship.io/v2/activate');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postFields, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));

$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

$result = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);

public class Class1
    async Task GetMyCampaignsAsync()
        using HttpClient httpClient = new();

        var url = "https://decision.flagship.io/v2/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/campaigns";
        var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url);

        requestMessage.Headers.Add("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
        requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        var postData = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["vid"] = "{new_authenticated_id}",
            ["aid"] = "{session_id}",
            ["cid"] = "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>",
            ["caid"] = "<VARIATION_GROUP_ID>",
            ["vaid"] = "<VARIATION_ID>"

        var postDatajson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postData);

        var stringContent = new StringContent(postDatajson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        requestMessage.Content = stringContent;

        var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);


Send hits to the data collect

Since you're using Experience Continuity with the Decision API only, check the chapter about triggering event collection.