

Refer to the installation pagefor installation steps.

Flagship Usage


Step 1: Initialize the SDK with FlagshipProvider . This is usually done in your App.js file to ensure your entire application is wrapped with the provider. Ensure also to include the required props such as envId , apiKey , and visitorData .

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "@flagship.io/react-sdk";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        hasConsented: true, // This is required
        context: {
      {/* ... */}


Good to know

  • When the SDK is started with all the required props, it automatically fetches flags based on visitorData provided. No additional action is necessary. For more details
  • The key hasConsented is required in the visitorData props.

Getting Flags

Steps 2 and 3 involve retrieving your flag, and reading your flag's value.

The React SDK provides two ways to retrieve a flag object. This object includes methods to retrieve the flag value, access flag metadata, expose the flag, verify the flag's existence, and get the flag status.

You have two options:

import React from "react";
import { useFsFlag } from "@flagship.io/react-sdk";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  ///Step 2:  Retrieves a flag named "backgroundColor"
  const flag = useFsFlag("backgroundColor")
  //Step 3: Returns the value of the flag or if the flag does not exist, it returns the default value "green" 
  const flagValue = flag.getValue("green")
  return (
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flagValue,
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flagValue}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "@flagship.io/react-sdk";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { getFlag } = useFlagship()
  /*Step 2: Retrieves a flag named "backgroundColor", 
  and if the flag does not exist, it returns the default value "green"*/
  const flag = getFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  //Step 3: get the flag value 
  const flagValue = flag.getValue()
  return (
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flagValue,
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flagValue}


Good to know

  • By default, the SDK assumes that the visitor has been exposed to the flag when flag.getValue() is called, so it sends the flag exposure hit to flagship server. However, this behavior can be changed. Click here for more details
  • These hooks are designed to be used in a component that is either within the FlagshipProvider or a descendant of a component within FlagshipProvider .

Tracking hits

Step 4: Send hits to Flagship using the sendHits method from the useFlagship hook. These hits help validate your objectives (KPIs) set up in your campaign.

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "@flagship.io/react-sdk";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const fs = useFlagship()
  return (
        //Step 4: Send a hit
          type: HitType.EVENT, 
          category: EventCategory.USER_ENGAGEMENT,
          action: "click",
          label: "label",
          value: 100,
      Send a hit