Migration to 4.X


This guide will assist developers to move from Flagship 3.X to Flagship 4.X.

The main breaking changes are:

  • Consent Management
  • Visitor Status

See the full change log on Github.

Consent Management

The version 4.X introduces a required consent parameter when creating a Visitor instance:

public func newVisitor(visitorId: String, hasConsented: Bool, instanceType: Instance = .SHARED_INSTANCE) -> FSVisitorBuilder

// 1-  In the version 4.X we added a label for visitorId parameter and introduce required consent parameter.
// 2-  Remove from the builder .hasConsented function.
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor(visitorId:"userId", hasConsented:true)
                        .withContext(context: ["isVip":true])
import Flagship

// When omitted default consent value was true.
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)

Flagship SDK Status

Status Listener

The withStatusListener renamed to withOnSdkStatusChanged and the type of parameter from FStatus to FSSdkStatus_

  • func withOnSdkStatusChanged(_ onSdkStatusChanged: @escaping (_ newStatus: FSSdkStatus)->Void)->FSConfigBuilder
func withOnSdkStatusChanged(_ onSdkStatusChanged: @escaping (_ newStatus: FSSdkStatus)->Void)->FSConfigBuilder
public func withStatusListener(_ onStatusChanged: @escaping (_ newStatus: FStatus)->Void)->FSConfigBuilder

Get Status

// Get the current flagship sdk
public func getStatus() -> FSSdkStatus
// Get the current flagship sdk
public func getStatus() -> FStatus 

Status Values

SDK_NOT_INITIALIZEDThe SDK has not been started
SDK_INITIALIZINGThe SDK still starting, in bucketing mode the sdk needs to download the ressources (bucketing file) before start. if the file exist already this status is skipped
SDK_INITIALIZEDThe SDK is ready to use.
SDK_PANICThe SDK is ready but is running in Panic mode: All visitor's features are disabled except 'fetchFlags' which refreshes this status.


The defaultValue in 4.X is provided at the reading value method through the flag instance and not as 3.X which is provided at getFlag method.

Get Flag

You can retrieve Flag by using the following functions from the Visitor instance:

  • func getFlag(key:String)->FSFlag
import Flagship
// Create visitor "visitor1" and fetch flags
//Get flag for vip feature
let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key:"displayVipFeature")
import Flagship
// Create visitor "visitor1" and fetch flags
// Get flag for vip feature and providing a default value at the flag creation
let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key:"displayVipFeature",defaultValue: false)

Reading Flag Value

To read the current flag's value, simply call value() method of the Flag object.

  • func value<T>(defaultValue:T?,visitorExposed: Bool = true)->T?
import Flagship
// Create visitor "visitor1" and fetch flags
//Get flag for vip feature
let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key:"displayVipFeature")
// Get value for the flag and provide a default value
let shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value(defaultValue: false)
import Flagship
// Create visitor "visitor1" and fetch flags
// Get flag for vip feature and providing a default value at the flag creation
let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key:"displayVipFeature",defaultValue: false)
// Get value for the flag
let shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value()