Static-site generation integration with Flagship [SSG]

This guide explains you how to use Flagship with nextJS using SSG mode.

How it works

In Static-site generation, content is rendered at build time during which we will fetch all flags targeting a unique flagship visitor and pass them (flags) through a props to the __app.js component to feed the FlagshipProvider component.



  • All your visitors will see the same flags because at build time we can only target one visitor.
  • If you update your campaigns from Flagship dashboard, you will also need to rebuild your app to update your static content. Check
  • Once your app is loaded on a browser, you can use Flagship SDK the same way as in client side rendering mode


Please refer to this article link to setup a NextJS project.

Once your project is set up, you need to install and initialize the Flagship React SDK.

yarn add

We will customize the next component App to initialize the Flagship SDK.

// pages/_app.jsx

import { FlagshipProvider } from ''
import '../styles/globals.css'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  const { initialVisitorData, flagsData } = pageProps
  return (
      visitorData={initialVisitorData || {}}
      <Component {...pageProps} />
    </FlagshipProvider> )

export default MyApp

We have 2 props in MyApp component, initialVisitorData and initialFlagsData. the first one contains visitor data and the second contains the FlagsData fetched from getStaticProps at build time to feed FlagshipProvider.

Here is the index page:


import {
} from "";
import styles from "../styles/Home.module.css";

export default function Home() {
  const fs = useFlagship();

  //get flag
  const myFlag = useFsFlag("my_flag_key");

  const onSendHitClick = () => {
      type: HitType.EVENT,
      category: EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING,
      action: "click button",

  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>
      <main className={styles.main}>
        <h1>Next Static site generation integration with Flagship [SSG]</h1>
        <p>flag key: my_flag_key</p>
        <p>flag value: {myFlag.getValue("default-value")}</p>
          style={{ width: 100, height: 50 }}
          onClick={() => {
          Send hits

// This function runs only at build time
export async function getStaticProps() {
  //Start the Flagship SDK
  const flagship = await Flagship.start(
      fetchNow: false,

  const initialVisitorData = {
    id: "my_visitor_id",
    context: {
      any: "value",

  // Create a new visitor
  const visitor = flagship.newVisitor({
    context: initialVisitorData.context,
    hasConsented: true,

  // //Fetch flags
  await visitor.fetchFlags();

  // Pass data to the page via props
  return {
    props: {
      initialFlagsData: visitor.getFlags().toJSON(),

On the getStaticProps of the index component page, we :

  • Fetch the flags for the targeted visitor
  • Pass the fetched flags to the page via props

How to automate rebuilding

To automate the rebuilding of your application, you need to use Flagship’s Webhooks Integrations. When your campaigns are updated in Flagship, a webhook called [environment] synchronized will be triggered and you can use this event to trigger a rebuild of your application to ensure that it reflects the updated flag values.

In this guide, we will deploy our app to, but the process is similar for other platforms and can also be used with a CI/CD pipeline.

We will proceed in two steps:

1. Once your app is deployed to, go to Site Settings -> Build and Deploy and create a build hook.

2. Set up the webhook on the Flagship platform

On the Flagship platform, go to Settings -> Integrations and select the Webhooks tab. Choose the [environment] synchronized event and enter the URL for your Netlify build hook. Then click “Create” to set up the webhook.

Any feedback?
Want another tutorial? Contact us

See full code here : github