iOS V3.3.X


SDK overview

Welcome to the Flagship iOS SDK documentation!

The following documentation helps you to run Flagship on your native iOS app using our client library with preconfigured methods to implement the Decision API.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this documentation.

SDK features

This SDK version will help you:


  • Your app must be a native app written in Swift or Objective C.
  • Swift Client application must use Swift 5 or higher

Good to know

Supported platforms


Getting Started

Our Flagship SDK is available for distribution through CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager or Carthage installation.


  1. Install CocoaPods

  2. Open Terminal and browse to the directory that contains your project then, enter the following command: pod init

  3. Open your Podfile and add the following line to the Podfile

target 'Your App' do

    pod 'FlagShip'

  1. Run pod install from your Xcode project's base directory

  2. Make sure you always open the Xcode workspace and not the project file when building your project

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

You can search for Flagship package on GitHub.

Add your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account in Xcode’s preferences, and a package repository appear as you type.

Swift Package Manager video tutorial

For more information about Swift Package Manager, refer to Apple documentation.


  1. Install Carthage

  2. Create a Cartfile in the same directory where your .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace is.

  3. Add this line to the Cartfile

github "flagship-io/flagship-ios" ~> 3.3.5
  1. Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks

  2. A Cartfile.resolved file and a Carthage directory will appear in the same directory where your .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace is.

  3. Drag the built Flagship.xcframework bundles from Carthage/Build into the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section of your application’s Xcode project.

For More information refer to Carthage


To run experiments with Flagship, you will need to start the SDK.

Flagship uses a sharedInstance then create a visitor to activate experiments and track events.

  • func start(envId:String, apiKey:String, config:FSConfig)
envIdStringYesIdentifies your Flagship account and environment (pre-prod or prod).
apiKeyStringYesIdentifies your Flagship api key (pre-prod or prod)
configFSConfigNoObject that represent configuration client


API Key & Environment ID required

You can find your apiKey and your environmentId on your Flagship account, in Parameters > Environment & Security.

import Flagship

//Start the Flagship SDK in Api mode and 5 seconds for timeout.
Flagship.sharedInstance.start(envId:"_ENV_ID_", apiKey: "_API_KEY_",
                                      config: FSConfigBuilder().DecisionApi()
//Start the Flagship SDK in Bucketing mode with custom cache manager  
Flagship.sharedInstance.start(envId: "_ENV_ID_", apiKey: "_API_KEY_", config: FSConfigBuilder().Bucketing()
@import Flagship;

/// Create config object
FlagshipConfig *config = [[[[[FSConfigBuilder alloc] init] withTimeout:5000]withLogLevel:FSLevelALL] build];

/// Start Flagship sdk
[[ Flagship sharedInstance] startWithEnvId:@"_ENV_ID_" apiKey:@"_API_KEY_" config:config];

Advanced Configuration

FlagshipConfig class help you to configure the SDK via the following two available config implementations: DecisionApi and Bucketing. See Decision Mode section.


This delay only concerns the request on fetching campaigns under the api mode. If the API didn't answer during this interval of time, the SDK will not wait longer for it and will use the modifications values already present on device's cache.
If there is no cache yet, the default values will be returned from the getFlag function.

  • ** func withTimeout(_ timeout:TimeInterval)->FSConfigBuilder**
timeoutTimeIntervalMilliseconds, default value is 2000 ms


The unit of measure for the timeout is Millisecond.

Log Level

  • func withLogLevel(_ logLevel:FSLevel)->FSConfigBuilder

Specifies a log level to filter logs emitted by the SDK.

levelFSLevelThe levels in ascending order are : NONE(0), EXCEPTIONS(1), ERROR(2), WARNING(3), DEBUG(4), INFO(5), ALL(6).

Decision Mode


When the SDK is running in DecisionApi mode, the campaign assignments and targeting validation take place server-side. In this mode, each call to the fetchFlags method to refresh the flags will create an HTTP request.


When the SDK is running in BUCKETING mode, the SDK downloads all the campaigns configurations at once in a single bucketing file so that variation assignment can be computed client-side by the SDK. This bucketing file is stored in cache and will only be downloaded again when campaign configurations are modified in the Flagship interface. Learn more


The default value is DECISION API

Polling Interval Time

Only available for Bucketing Mode:

  • func withBucketingPollingIntervals(_ pollingTime:TimeInterval)->FSConfigBuilder

Define time interval between two bucketing updates. Default is 60 seconds.

pollingTimeTimeIntervalinterval time, default is 60 seconds.

Tracking Config Manager

func withTrackingManagerConfig(_ trackingMgrConfig: FSTrackingManagerConfig)->FSConfigBuilder

The SDK through the TrackingManager class report analytics event using batching process, each time a visitor emits a hit, the tracking manager will stack it in the event pool.

When the time interval batchIntervals is over or pool Maximum Size poolMaxSize is reached, the batch process is triggered and the pool emptied. In the meantime, the caching process depends on the cache strategy adopted.

The advantages:

  • Use less network traffic
  • Avoid data loss
  • Catch all hits that would fail

The TrackingManager stand on three options to setup :

  1. Time Interval
    Time interval to process and send event through batch


The batchIntervals parameter is an integer, default value is 5 seconds

  1. Pool Max Size
    Specifies the maximum number of hits in the pool


The poolMaxSize parameter is an integer, default value is 10

  1. Cache Strategy
    Define a strategy to adopt, we have two strategies represented by an enum BatchCachingStrategy.



Recommended for client-side applications

Each time a visitor emits an event, this strategy duplicates events in cache using cacheHit (see InterfaceCache), on completion batching process the saved hits are removed from the cache.

Note: The SDK has a default cache implementation using a database



Recommended for server-side applications

This strategy periodically make a copy in the cache of the existing event in the pool, those events will be removed once the batching process completed and succeed

// Create FSTrackingManagerConfig
// - Time Intreval : 20
// - Maximum size pool : 20
let trackingConfig = FSTrackingManagerConfig(poolMaxSize: 20, batchIntervalTimer: 20, strategy: .CONTINUOUS_CACHING)

// Create FlagshipConfig
let conf: FlagshipConfig = FSConfigBuilder().withTrackingConfig(trackingConfig).build()
// Start the SDK Flagship
Flagship.sharedInstance.start(envId: "your_env_id", apiKey: "your_api_key", config: conf)

Cache Management

Use a default cache Management provided by the SDK or create your own custom cache manager .

  • func withCacheManager(_ customCacheManager:FSCacheManager)->FSConfigBuilder
customCacheManagerFSCacheManagerManaging the cache

This class affords two protocols to handle the cache management.

  • ** init(_ visitorCacheImp: FSVisitorCacheDelegate? = nil, _ hitCacheImp: FSHitCacheDelegate? = nil, visitorLookupTimeOut: TimeInterval = 0.2, hitCacheLookupTimeout: TimeInterval = 0.2)**
ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
visitorCacheImpProtocolnilclass implementing visitor protocol , use FSDefaultCacheVisitor if nil
hitCacheImpProtocolnilclass implementing hit protocol, use FSDefaultCacheHit if nil
visitorLookupTimeOutTimeInterval200 msThe time duration milliseconds given to lookup visitor, over this delay the operation is stopped
hitCacheLookupTimeoutTimeInterval200 msThe time duration milliseconds given to lookup hits, over this delay the operation is stopped

Developer Usage Tracking

  • func withDisableDeveloperUsageTracking(_ disableDeveloperUsageTracking: Bool)->FSConfigBuilder
disableDeveloperUsageTrackingCollects information about the usage of SDK. By default the value is set to false otherwise set to true to disable this feature.Bool
// Create config and disabled usage tracking
let customConfig: FlagshipConfig = FSConfigBuilder().withDisableDeveloperUsageTracking(false).build()

// Start SDK
Flagship.sharedInstance.start(envId: "_ENV_ID_", apiKey: "_API_KEY_", config: customConfig)

SDK Status

List of the possible SDK status :

NOT_INITIALIZEDFlagship SDK has not been started or initialized successfully.
POLLINGFlagship SDK has been started successfully but is still polling campaigns. (Only when Bucketing mode is used)
PANICFlagship SDK is ready but is running in Panic mode: All visitor's features are disabled except 'fetchFlags' which refreshes this status.
READYFlagship SDK is ready to use.

It is possible to get the current status via the method getStatus() from the Flagship class.

  • func getStatus()->FStatus

    Return the current SDK status


In some cases, you'll need to send informations about the exposition (When a flag has been seen by your visitor), like sending visitor and flag data to third parties.

To centralize it, we provide a callback in the configuration option of the SDK.

  • ** func withOnVisitorExposed(_ onVisitorExposed: OnVisitorExposed)->FSConfigBuilder **

This callback is triggered each time:

  • The visitorExposed() method is successfully called through the flag instance.
  • The value() method is called through the flag instance with "true" as parameter (default).

The OnVisitorExposed callback is a function with two parameters

typealias OnVisitorExposed = ((_ visitorExposed: VisitorExposed, _ fromFlag: ExposedFlag)-> Void)?
visitorExposedFSVisitorExposedThis class represent the visitor exposed.
fromFlagFSExposedFlagThis class represent the flag exposed. \n(The flag that has triggered the exposition)
  • FSVisitorExposed

The class FSVisitorExposed give us the visitor's information

anonymousIdStringanonymous id, used with Experience Continuity
contextDictionaryThe current visitor’s context
  • FSExposedFlag

The class FSExposedFlag give us the flag's information

keyStringkey for flag
valueAnyvalue for flag
defaultValueAnydefault value
metadata[FSFlagMetadata](#Getting flags campaigns metadata)Campaign information metadata, this class already existed

For both class FSVisitorExposed & FSVisitorExposed use toJson() method to get the Json string representation and toDictionary() method to get a dictionary representation

// Inside the callBack we use toJson() method to get the json String representation.
// This block is a part of confuguration builder, for more information 
// go to #flagship-configuration-options section
.withOnVisitorExposed { fromFlag, visitorExposed in

            print(fromFlag.toJson() ?? "")
            print(visitorExposed.toJson() ?? "")

// Representation of VisitorExposed  
  "id": "visitor_1",
  "anonymousId": null,
  "context": {
    "sdk_firstTimeInit": false,
    "sdk_deviceLanguage": "fr_US",
    "sdk_deviceType": "Mobile",
    "sdk_deviceModel": "iPhone",
    "sdk_osName": "ios",
    "sdk_osVersionName": "ios",
    "sdk_fsVersion": "2.1.0,",
    "customer": "QA",
    "country": "FR"

// Representation of ExposedFlag 
  "key": "btnColor",
  "value": "Green",
  "metadata": {
    "campaignId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0sv0",
    "variationGroupId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t00",
    "variationId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t10",
    "isReference": false,
    "campaignType": "ab",
    "slug": null
// Inside the callBack we use toJson() method to get the json String representation.
// This block is a part of confuguration builder, for more information 
// go to #flagship-configuration-options section  

FlagshipConfig * conf =  [[[[FSConfigBuilder alloc] init] withOnVisitorExposed:^(FSVisitorExposed * expoVisitor, FSExposedFlag * expoFlag) {
       NSLog(@"%@", [expoVisitor toJson]);
       NSLog(@"%@", [expoFlag toJson]);
        }] build];

// Representation of VisitorExposed  
  "id": "visitor_1",
  "anonymousId": null,
  "context": {
    "sdk_firstTimeInit": false,
    "sdk_deviceLanguage": "fr_US",
    "sdk_deviceType": "Mobile",
    "sdk_deviceModel": "iPhone",
    "sdk_osName": "ios",
    "sdk_osVersionName": "ios",
    "sdk_fsVersion": "2.1.0,",
    "customer": "QA",
    "country": "FR"

// Representation of ExposedFlag 
  "key": "btnColor",
  "value": "Green",
  "metadata": {
    "campaignId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0sv0",
    "variationGroupId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t00",
    "variationId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t10",
    "isReference": false,
    "campaignType": "ab",
    "slug": null


The onVisitorExposed callback is triggered ONLY when the visitorExpose() method is called and success.

Here is an example on how to use this callback:

Create a new visitor

The visitor instance is an object that lets you manage the context, activate experiments and track events.

The user context is a property dataset that defines the current user of your app.

This dataset is sent and used by the Flagship Decision API as targeting criteria for campaign assignment.

For example, if you wanted to enable or disable a specific feature based on VIP status, you would pass that attribute as a key-value pair in the user context so that the Decision API can enable or disable the corresponding feature flag for the user.

import Flagship

let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)
@import Flagship; 

/// Create visitor with context age : 18 & isVip :YES
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" 
                           withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18, @"isVip":@YES}] 
  • func newVisitor(_ visitorId:String, instanceType:Instance = .SHARED_INSTANCE)-> FSVisitorBuilder
visitorIdStringUnique visitor identifier.
instanceTypeInstanceHow Flagship SDK should handle the newly created visitor instance. (Default is SINGLE_INSTANCE) \n \nSINGLE_INSTANCE : \nThe newly created visitor instance will be returned and saved into the Flagship singleton. Call Flagship.getVisitor() to retrieve the instance. \n \nNEW_INSTANCE: \nThe newly created visitor instance wont be saved and will simply be returned.

Visitor Builder methods :

  • func withContext(context:[String:Any])->FSVisitorBuilder

Represent the visitor's initial context key/values used for targeting.
Context keys must be String, and values types must be one of the following: Number, Boolean, String.

context[String:Any]initial context
  • func hasConsented(hasConsented:Bool)->FSVisitorBuilder

Specify if the visitor has consented to personal data usage. When false some features will be deactivated; the cache will be deactivated and cleared. The default value is true.

hasConsentedBooltrue when user has given consent, false otherwise.


The default value is true

  • func isAuthenticated(_ autenticated:Bool)->FSVisitorBuilder

The visitorId will be considered as authenticated if true otherwise is anonymous.

autenticatedBooltrue for authenticated user, false for anonymous.


The default value is false

Updating the visitor context

The user context is a property dataset that defines the current user of your app.

This dataset is sent and used by the Flagship Decision API as targeting criteria for campaign assignment.

The following method from the Visitor instance allows you to set new context values matching the given keys.

import Flagship

let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)

// To check if Flagship have to make a decision with the data you are providing at the SDK init you should fetch the flags 
visitor1.fetchFlags {
   // Fetch completed , you can retreive your flags 

// Update the visitor context with lastPurchaseDate key and the value is 1615384464 
 visitor1.updateContext("lastPurchaseDate", 1615384464)

// Your visitor context has changed (you have updated it) you should fetch the flags to check if the decision has changed 
visitor1.fetchFlags {
   // Fetch completed , you can retreive your flags 
@import Flagship;

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

// Update context
// - isVip with true value
// - lastPurchaseDate with value 1615384464 in the user context
[visitor1 updateContext:@{@"lastPurchaseDate":@1615384464, @"isVip":@YES}];
  • func updateContext(_ key:String, _ newValue:Any)

Upsert the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting. Only Integer, String, Boolean, Double typed values are accepted.

keyStringContext key
newValueAnyContext value
  • func updateContext(_ context:[String:Any])

Update visitor context using dictionary which contain several keys/values

context[String:Any]Only Integer, String, Boolean, Double typed values are accepted.


User context values must have a type of Integer, String, Boolean, Double.

  • func updateContext(_ flagshipContext:FlagshipContext, _ value:Any)
flagshipContextFlagshipContextPredefined context key
valueAnyvalue of the associated Predefined key
import Flagship

let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)

// Update the visitor context with predefined key 
visitor1.updateContext(.CARRIER_NAME, "SFR")
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Update the visitor context with predefined key 
[visitor1 updateContext:@{@"sdk_carrierName":@SFR];
  • func clearContext()
    Clear all the visitor context values used for targeting.
import Flagship

let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)

// Clear the context 
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

///Clear context
[visitor1 clearContext];
  • func getContext()->[String:Any]
    Get visitor current context key / values.
import Flagship

let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1")
                .withContext(context: ["age" : 32, "isVip":true])
                .hasConsented(hasConsented: true)

// Get the current context for the visitor1
let currentContexct = visitor1.getCurrentContext()
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

///Get context
NSDictionary * context = [visitor1 getContext];

Managing visitor campaigns and their flags

Fetching Flags

The fetchFlags() method of the visitor instance automatically updates the campaign assignments according to the current user context and retrieves applicable flags.

  • func fetchFlags(onFetchCompleted: @escaping ()-> Void)

This function will call the decision api and update all the campaigns flags from the server according to the visitor context.

onFetchCompletedCodeBlock to execute once the sync is completed
import Flagship

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Update context
visitor1.updateContext("isVip", true)

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {
   // Fetch completed , you can retreive your flags 
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Fetch completed , you can retreive your flags 

Getting flags

Once the campaign has been assigned and fetched, all the flags are stored in the SDK.

You can retrieve these flags using the following functions from the Visitor instance:

  • func getFlag<T>(key:String, defaultValue : T?)->FSFlag

Retrieve a FSFlag object by its key. If no flag match the given key an empty flag will be returned. Call exists() to check if the flag has been found.

keyStringkey associated to the flag
defaultValueTflag default value
import Flagship

// Create the visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {
    // Ex: get flag for vip feature
    let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key: "displayVipFeature", defaultValue: false)
    // Use this flag to display the vip feature
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Ex: get flag for vip feature 
  FSFlag * flag = [visitor1 getFlagWithKey:@"displayVipFeature" defaultValue:FALSE];
  // Use this flag to enable displaying the vip feature


Default value must be one of the following type : String, Boolean, Integer,Double Array, Dictionary.

Getting flags current values

To retrieve flag current value, simply call value() method of the Flag object.

  • func value(visitorExposed: Bool = true)->Any?

Returns the value from the assigned campaign variation or the Flag default value if the Flag does not exist, or if types are different.

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
visitorExposedBooltrueTells Flagship the user have been exposed and have seen this flag. This will increment the visits for the current variation on your campaign reporting. \nIf needed it is possible to set this param to false and call visitorExposed() afterward when the user has really been exposed to it.
import Flagship

// Create the visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {
    // Ex: get flag for vip feature
    let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key: "displayVipFeature", defaultValue: false)
    // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature
    let shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value()
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Ex: get flag for vip feature 
  FSFlag * flag = [visitor1 getFlagWithKey:@"displayVipFeature" defaultValue:FALSE];
  // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature
   BOOL shouldDisplayVipFeature = [flag valueWithUserExposed:YES];

Getting flags campaigns metadata

You may need to send campaign's informations to a third-party for reporting and/or analytics purposes. The metadata method returns a dictionary with values you can use.

  • func metadata()->FSFlagMetadata
    Return the campaign metadata or an empty object if the Flag doesn't exist or if the default value type does not correspond to the Flag type in Flagship.
import Flagship

// Create the visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {

    // Ex: get flag for vip feature
    let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key: "displayVipFeature", defaultValue: false)
    // Use this flag to get the metadata
    let metadata = flag.metadata()
    // Get the dictionary for metadata
    let campaign_info = metadata.toJson()
// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Ex: get flag for vip feature 
  FSFlag * flag = [visitor1 getFlagWithKey:@"displayVipFeature" defaultValue:FALSE];
  // Use this flag to get the metadata
  FSFlagMetadata *metadata = [flag metadata];
  // Get the dictionary for metadata
  NSDictionary * campaign_info  = [metadata toJson]


The metadata you can access to are the following one:

FSFlagMetadataTypeDefault valueDescription
campaignIdString""id of the campaign
campaignNameString""Campaign name
variationGroupIdString""Id of the variation group
variationGroupNameString""Variation group name
variationIdString""id of the variation assigned
variationNameString""Variation name
isReferenceBoolfalseif true that means the assigned variation is the reference, otherwise it's not.
campaignTypeString""Type of the campaign. Ex: AB
slugString""campaign slug or empty string if not configured in the platform


To get the dictionary of metadata use the toJson method through the FSFlagMetadata instance.

Report a Flag exposition

By default when the method value() is called, the SDK considers that the user has seen your Flag unless you pass false to value(). In this last case, you will have to call the visitorExposed() method.

There are two options for exposing a user to a flag:

  • Pass an visitorExposed=true parameter to the value() method.
  • Use the following visitorExposed() method from the Flag instance.
  • func visitorExposed()
import Flagship

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Update context
visitor1.updateContext("isVip", true)

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {
    // Ex: get flag for vip feature
    let flag = visitor1.getFlag(key: "displayVipFeature", defaultValue: false)
    // Read the value without exposing it
    let shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value(visitorExposed: false)
    // Expose this flag later in the code
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Ex: get flag for vip feature 
  FSFlag * flag = [visitor1 getFlagWithKey:@"displayVipFeature" defaultValue:FALSE];
  // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature
   BOOL shouldDisplayVipFeature = [flag valueWithUserExposed:NO];
  // Expose this flag later in the code
   [flag userExposed];



The userExposed() method is deprecated since the version 3.2.0 please use visitorExposed() instead.

Check if a Flag exists

  • func exists()->Bool
    This method will return true if a Flag has been returned by Flagship.
import Flagship

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Update context
visitor1.updateContext("isVip", true)

// Fetch flags
visitor1.fetchFlags {
    // Ex: get flag for vip feature and check if it exists
    let isDisplayVipFeatureExists = visitor1.getFlag(key:"do_not_exists", defaultValue:false).exists()
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

/// Fetch flags
[visitor1 fetchFlagsOnFetchCompleted:^{
  // Ex: get flag for vip feature and check if exist 
  BOOL isDisplayVipFeatureExists =  [[visitor1 getFlagWithKey:@"displayVipFeature" defaultValue:FALSE] exists];

Managing visitor consent

The Visitor class provides a method to let you manage visitor consent for data privacy usage. When false, campaign activation and hits will be disabled and cache cleared.

  • func setConsent(hasConsented:Bool)
ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
hasConsentedBooltrueSet visitor consent for private data usage. When false some features will be deactivated, cache will be deactivated and cleared.
import Flagship

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()
visitor1.setConsent(hasConsented: false)
/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];
/// set the consent to NO 
[visitor1 setConsentWithHasConsented:NO];


When consent is not given:

  • Hits and Activations will be deactivated
  • All the cached visitor data will be cleared until consent is given again
  • Only consent tracking requests will be sent in order to clear server-side cached data.

Managing visitor cache

By default, the Flagship iOS SDK provides a default cache manager implementation.

This feature helps to cache visitors' data, to cache non-sent hits due to internet failures or server errors, to cache campaign assignations for offline mode and to prevent reallocation in Bucketing mode.

Indeed as the assignation is made on a local device in bucketing mode, changing campaign allocation in the platform would make visitors see different variations if there's no cache.

The default cache manager uses a local database.

Custom Cache Manager

It's possible to provide a custom cache implementation using the following protocols

protocol FSVisitorCacheDelegate

This protocol specifies the methods to implement in order to cache visitors' information.

  • func cacheVisitor(visitorId: String, _ visitorData: Data)

This method is called when the SDK needs to cache visitor information in your database.

visitorIdStringVisitor unique identifier from which data need to be cached.
visitorDataDataVisitor data to cache
  • func lookupVisitor(visitorId: String) -> Data?

This method is invoked when the SDK needs to get visitor information from database. This method must to respect a time delay which is configurable.

visitorIdStringVisitor unique identifier from which data need to be loaded.

Return visitor data respecting the expected format.

  • func flushVisitor(visitorId: String)

This method is called when the SDK needs to flush visitor information in your database. For example, when the user hasn't given his consent this method will be called.

visitorIdStringVisitor unique identifier from which data need to be cleared.
protocol FSHitCacheDelegate

This interface specifies the methods to implement in order to cache visitors' hits when they failed to be sent.

  • func cacheHits(hits: [String: [String: Any]])

This method will be called to cache hits depending on the cache strategy used.

hitsDictionarykey is a unique Id for each hit \n \n- value is an Dictionary that represent hit
  • func lookupHits() -> [String: [String: Any]]

This method will be called to load all hits present in database. This method have to respect a time duration, over this delay the operation is cancelled.

returnDictionarykey is a unique Id for each hit \n \n- value is an Dictionary that represent hit
  • ** func flushHits(hitIds: [String])**

This method is called when the SDK needs to flush tracking hits in your database except the consent ones. For example when the user hasn't given his consent this method will be invoked.

hitIdsArraylist of hit's id to remove from database
  • func flushAllHits()

This method will be called to erase all hits in your database without exception.

// Implement the protocol FSVisitorCacheDelegate
public class CustomVisitorCache: FSVisitorCacheDelegate {
    public func cacheVisitor(visitorId: String, _ visitorData: Data) {
        // Save the Data that represent the information for visitorId

    public func lookupVisitor(visitorId: String) -> Data? {
        // Return the saved data of visitorId
        return Data()

    public func flushVisitor(visitorId: String) {
        // Remove the data for visitorId

// Implement the protocol FSHitCacheDelegate
public class CustomHitCache: FSHitCacheDelegate {
    // Save the dictionary that represent hits
    public func cacheHits(hits: [String: [String: Any]]) {}

    // Return the saved hit in your database
    public func lookupHits() -> [String: [String: Any]] {
        return [:]

    // Remove the hit's id given with List
    public func flushHits(hitIds: [String]) {}

    // Remove all hits in database
    public func flushAllHits() {}

// Instanciate Custom cache manager
let customCacheManager = FSCacheManager(CustomVisitorCache(), CustomHitCache())

// Start the Flagship sdk
Flagship.sharedInstance.start(envId: "_ENV_ID_", apiKey: "_API_KEY_", config: FSConfigBuilder()
@import Flagship;

/// Implement the protocol FSVisitorCacheDelegate
@interface CustomVisitorCache:NSObject <FSVisitorCacheDelegate>


@implementation CustomVisitorCache

- (void)cacheVisitorWithVisitorId:(NSString * _Nonnull)visitorId :(NSData * _Nonnull)visitorData {
    /// Upsert in your database

- (void)flushVisitorWithVisitorId:(NSString * _Nonnull)visitorId {
    /// Clear from your database

- (NSData * _Nullable)lookupVisitorWithVisitorId:(NSString * _Nonnull)visitorId {
    /// Load & delete from your database
    return nil;

/// Implement the protocol FSHitCacheDelegate
@interface CustomHitCache:NSObject<FSHitCacheDelegate>


@implementation CustomHitCache

- (void)cacheHitsWithHits:(NSDictionary<NSString *,NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *> * _Nonnull)hits {
    // Save the hits into your database

- (void)flushAllHits {
    // Erase all hits

- (void)flushHitsWithHitIds:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull)hitIds {
    // erase hits with a given list ids

- (NSDictionary<NSString *,NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *> * _Nonnull)lookupHits {
    // Read hits already present in your database
    return nil;


// Create the custom cache
FSCacheManager * customCache = [[FSCacheManager alloc] init: [[CustomVisitorCache alloc]init] : [[CustomHitCache alloc] init] visitorLookupTimeOut:200 hitCacheLookupTimeout:200];

// Create config
FlagshipConfig *config =[[[[[[FSConfigBuilder alloc] init] withTimeout:5000]withLogLevel:FSLevelALL] withCacheManager:customCache] build];

// Start Flagship sdk
[[ Flagship sharedInstance] startWithEnvId:@"_ENV_ID_" apiKey:@"_API_KEY_" config:config];


When your application is about to terminate, you can call the close method of Flagship class, by doing this, the batch process one last time before stop.

But don't worry if the close function is not invoked the data is stored in cache and will be processed on the next start

  • func close()
// Process one last time the batch process then stop.
// Close function to stop batch after processing one last time 
[[Flagship sharedInstance] close];

Experience Continuity

Dealing with anonymous and logged-in users, experience continuity allows you to maintain consistency between sessions and devices.


Make sure that the experience continuity option is enabled on the flagship platform before using those methods.


There are 2 ways to authenticate a visitor:

  1. Set key isAuthenticated to true when creating a new visitor
  2. Use authenticate method of Visitor instance

Authenticate anonymous visitor

func authenticate(visitorId:String)

visitorIdStringid of the new authenticated visitor.


Because we have changed the visitor data, we have to call the fetchFlags method after calling this one to update the decision from Flagship.

The targeting / Flags could be different for the visitor.


This function change authenticated Visitor to anonymous visitor

func unauthenticate()


Because we have changed the visitor datas, we have to call the fetchFlags method after calling this one to update the decision from Flagship.

The targeting / Flags could be different for the visitor.

Code example

Let's assume basic scenario to understand how things work:

  1. Your visitor arrives on your app for the first time.

We need to initialize the visitor but as we don't know anything about this visitor, we'll create a random_Id. You can also specify some visitor context if necessary.

// Create visitor with random_Id 
let visitor = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("random_Id").withContext(context: ["key": 
// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];

// Once the visitor log-in and is authenticated on your app.
[visitor1 authenticateWithVisitorId:@"visitor_id"];

// Once the visitor log-out and is unauthenticed on your app.
[visitor1 unauthenticate];

The actual random_Id will be what we call the _anonymous id_.

  1. Your visitor is signing in.

To tell the SDK about this status modification, you'll have to call the authenticate function which takes the required visitor id as argument.

// Example
// You fetch the visitor_id from your DB
// let visitorId = db.getUserId();

// Authenticate
visitor.authenticate(visitorId: "visitorId")

// Since your visitor has changed (is now logged-in)
// You have to check if the proper targeting and flags are set

visitor.fetchFlags {

    // ... Do things ....

The visitor is updated as authenticated, keeping the previous variations from campaigns that are still matched and thus gives you same flags as before being logged in.


Keep in mind that if the visitor also has its context changed, you might still have changes on flags as your visitor might target new campaigns.

  1. Your visitor decides to sign out.

If you want to keep the same visitor experience, then you should do:

// Unauthenticate

// Since your visitor has changed (is now logged-out)
// You have to check if the proper targeting and flags are set

   // ... Do things ....

Final implementation example

// Create a visitor

let visitor = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("randomId").withContext(context: ["key": "value"]).build()

// Call the authenticate function

visitor.authenticate(visitorId: "visitorId");

// Fetch the flags to update the visitor decision

    // ... Do things ....

// If you want to unauthenticate the visitor


// Fetch the flags to update the visitor decision


    // ... Do things ....

Hit Tracking

This section helps you track your users in your application and learn how to build hits in order to feed campaign goals. For more information about our measurement protocol, read our Universal Collect documentation.

There are four different types of Hits available:

  • Screen
  • Transaction
  • Item
  • Event

They must all be sent with the following function through the visitor instance

func sendHit<T: FSTrackingProtocol>(_ event:T)

Common Parameters

These parameters can be sent with any type of hit.

userIpStringNoCurrent user IP address
screenResolutionStringNoScreen Resolution
userLanguageStringNoUser Language
currentSessionTimeStampInt64NoCurrent Session Timestamp
sessionNumberIntNoSession Number
/////// Create event with common parameters ///////

let eventScreen = FSScreen("loginScreen")
// Fill data for event screen
eventScreen.userIp             = ""
eventScreen.sessionNumber 	   = 12
eventScreen.screenResolution   = "750 x 1334"
eventScreen.screenColorDepth   = "#fd0027"
eventScreen.sessionNumber      = 1
eventScreen.userLanguage       = "fr"
eventScreen.sessionEventNumber = 2

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Send Event
/////// Create event with common parameters ///////

FSScreen* eventScreen =  [[FSScreen alloc] init:@"loginScreen"];
/// Fill data for event screen
eventScreen.userIp             = @"";
eventScreen.sessionNumber      = @12;
eventScreen.screenResolution   = @"750 x 1334";
eventScreen.screenColorDepth   = @"#fd0027";
eventScreen.sessionNumber      = @1;
eventScreen.userLanguage       = @"fr";
eventScreen.sessionEventNumber = @2;

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] withContextWithContext:@{@"age":@18} ] build];
/// Send event screen
[visitor1 sendScreenEvent:eventScreen];


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new interface.

The FSScreen class represents this hit and it requires location as a string parameter.

init(_ location:String)

locationStringYeslocation name
/////// Create Screen Hit   ///////

// Usage: this hit is usually sent when changing screens in the app
let eventScreen = FSScreen("loginScreen")

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()
// Send screenhit
/////// Create Screen Event ///////

// Usage: this hit is usually sent when changing screens in the app
// Create screen event
 FSScreen * eventScreen =  [[FSScreen alloc] init:@"loginScreen"];

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] build]
// Send Event
[visitor1 sendScreenEvent:eventScreen];


This hit should be sent each time a visitor visits a new local or web page in an embedded web view.

The FSPage class represent Page hit and requires location as a string parameter.

locationStringYesValid url
/////// Create Page Hit     ///////
// Usage: This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new url page
   let eventPage = FSPage("https://www.my_domain_com/my_page")
// Create visitor
   let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()
// Send screenhit
/////// Create Page Event ///////

// Usage: This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new url page
// Create Page event
   FSPage * eventPage =  [[FSPage alloc] init:@"loginScreen"];
/// Create visitor
    FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] build];
// Send Event
    [visitor1 sendPageEvent:eventPage];


Hit to send when a user completes a Transaction.

FSTransaction represents it and requires a unique transactionId and affiliation name.


The affiliation is the name of Transaction that should appear in the report

init(transactionId:String, affiliation:String)

transactionIdStringYesTransaction unique identifier.
affiliationStringYesTransaction name. Name of the goal in the reporting.
revenueFloatNoTotal revenue associated with the transaction. This value should include any shipping or tax costs.
shippingFloatNoSpecifies the total shipping cost of the transaction.
taxFloatNoSpecifies the total taxes of the transaction.
currencyStringNoSpecifies the currency used for all transaction currency values. Value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
paymentMethodStringNoSpecifies the payment method for the transaction.
shippingMethodStringNoSpecifies the shipping method of the transaction.
itemCountIntNoSpecifies the number of items for the transaction.
couponCodeStringNoSpecifies the coupon code used by the customer for the transaction.
/////// Create Transaction Hit ///////

// The affiliation is the name of transaction that should appear in the report
let transacEvent:FSTransaction = FSTransaction(transactionId:"transacId", affiliation:"BasketTransac")
transacEvent.currency 			 = "EUR"
transacEvent.itemCount       = 0
transacEvent.paymentMethod   = "PayPal"
transacEvent.shippingMethod  = "Fedex"             = 2.6
transacEvent.revenue         = 15
transacEvent.shipping        = 3.5

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()
// Send Transaction hit
/////// Create Transaction Hit ///////

/// The affiliation is the name of transaction that should appear in the report
FSTransaction * transacEvent =  [[FSTransaction alloc] initWithTransactionId:@"transacId" affiliation:@"BasketTransac"];
transacEvent.currency        = @"EUR";
transacEvent.itemCount       = 0;
transacEvent.paymentMethod   = @"PayPal";
transacEvent.shippingMethod  = @"Fedex";             = @2.6;
transacEvent.revenue         = @15;
transacEvent.shipping        = @3.5;

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] build]
// Send the transaction event
[visitor1 sendTransactionEvent:transacEvent];


Hit to send an item with a transaction. It must be sent after the corresponding transaction.

FSItem represents this hit and requires transactionId and product name.

init(transactionId:String, name:String, code:String)

transactionIdStringYesTransaction unique identifier
nameStringYesProduct name
priceFloatNoSpecifies the item price
codeStringYesSpecifies the item code or SKU
categoryStringNoSpecifies the item category
quantityIntNoSpecifies the item quantity
/////// Create Item Hit //////////////

// Item usually represents a product. An item must be associated with a transaction event.

// Create item hit
let itemHit = FSItem(transactionId: "idTransaction", name: "itemName", code: "codeSku")
// Set price
itemHit.price 		= 20
// Set category
itemHit.category 	= "shoes"
// Set quantity
itemHit.quantity 	= 2

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Send Item
/////// Create Item Hit //////////////

/// Item usually represents a product. An item must be associated with a transaction event.

FSItem * itemhit 	= [[FSItem alloc] initWithTransactionId:@"transacId" name:@"MicroTransac" code:@"codeSku"];
/// Set Price
itemhit.price 		= @20;
/// Set category
itemhit.category 	= @"category";
/// Set quantity
itemhit.quantity 	= @1;

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] build]
/// Send item event
[visitor1 sendItemEvent:itemhit];


Hit which represents an event. It can be anything you want: for example a click on an Add to Cart button or a newsletter subscription.

FSEvent represents this hit and requires a category event and action name string.

FSCategoryEvent can be Action_Tracking or User_Engagement.

init(eventCategory:FSCategoryEvent, eventAction:String)

categoryFSCategoryEventYesCategory of the event (Action_Tracking or User_Engagement).
actionStringyesName of the event.
labelStringNoDescription of the event.
eventValueUIntNoValue of the event, must be an unsigned integer value


The event action is the name of Event that should appear in the report

/////// Create Event Hit /////////////

/// Create action tracking category event 
let actionEvent:FSEvent = FSEvent(eventCategory: FSCategoryEvent.Action_Tracking, eventAction: "cta_Shop")
actionEvent.label 			= "cta_Shop_label"
actionEvent.eventValue  = 1

// Create visitor
let visitor1 = Flagship.sharedInstance.newVisitor("visitor_1").build()

// Send Event Tracking
/////// Create Event Hit /////////////

/// Create action tracking category event 
FSEvent * actionEvent  = [[FSEvent alloc] initWithEventCategory:FSCategoryEventAction_Tracking eventAction:@"cta_Shop"];
actionEvent.label 		 = @"cta_Shop_label";
[actionEvent setEventValue:1];

/// Create visitor
FSVisitor * visitor1 = [[[Flagship sharedInstance] newVisitor:@"visitor_1" instanceType:InstanceSHARED_INSTANCE] build];

/// Send Event Tracking
[visitor1 sendEventTrack:actionEvent];


Predefined user context keys

The Flagship SDK contains predefined user context keys.

The keys marked as Yes in the Auto-set by SDK column will be automatically set, while the ones marked as No need to be set by the client.

They are nevertheless overridable at anytime. Then these predefined context keys-value pairs will be sent to the server and be editable in the Persona section of the Flagship platform.

SDK Variable name DescriptionContext Variable nameTypeAuto-set by SDKExample
FIRST_TIME_INITFirst init of the appsdk_firstTimeInitBooleanYestrue (false if the init isn’t the first one)
LOCALE Language of the devicesdk_deviceLanguageStringYesfr_FR
DEVICE_TYPEType of the device (Tablet/Mobile/Watch) sdk_deviceTypeStringYes mobile
DEVICE_MODELModel of the device sdk_deviceModelStringYes iPhone12,8
LOCATION_CITYCity geolocationsdk_cityStringNotoulouse
 LOCATION_REGIONRegion geolocationsdk_regionStringNooccitanie
LOCATION_COUNTRYCountry geolocationsdk_countryStringNoFrance
LOCATION_LATCurrent Latitudesdk_latDoubleNo43.623647
LOCATION_LONGCurrent Longitudesdk_longDoubleNo1.445397
OS_NAMEName of the OSsdk_osNameStringYesiOS / macOS
OS_VERSION_CODEVersion of OSsdk_osVersionCodeStringYes9.0
OS_VERSION_NAMEName of OSsdk_osVersionNameStringYesiOS / tvOS
MVNO / carrierName(Mobile virtual network operator)"sdk_carrierNameStringNoorange
DEV_MODEIs the app in debug mode?sdk_devModeBooleanNotrue
INTERNET_CONNECTIONWhat is the internet connectionsdk_internetConnectionStringNo3g
APP_VERSION_NAMEVersion name of the appsdk_versionNameStringNo1.1.2-beta
APP_VERSION_CODEVersion code of the appsdk_versionCodeNumber (int)No40
FLAGSHIP_VERSIONVersion of the Flagship SDKsdk_fsVersionString Yes1.1.2
INTERFACE_NAMEName of the interfacesdk_interfaceNameStringNoProductPage

Here you can see how a predefined key is used to filter a report in the Flagship interface:


To overwrite the keys, use the updateContext method