Android V2.1.X


SDK overview

Welcome to the Flagship Android SDK documentation!

The following article will guide you through the steps to get Flagship up and running on your native Android app using our client library with preconfigured methods to implement the Decision API.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this documentation.

Release notes

See here

SDK features

This SDK version will help you:


  • Your app must be a native Android app written in Kotlin or Java

  • Your app must at least be compatible with Android API version 21 (Android 5.0) OR version 16 (Android 4.1) if you use the compatibility version of our library. See dependencies

    The minSdkVersion value in your app module's build.gradle file must be greater than or equal to 21:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21
  • Your app must have the necessary permissions to use the Internet

    Internet permission must be enabled in the <application> tag of your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <!-- [...] -->
  • Your app must have AndroidX enabled

Good to know

Getting Started


To install the library, start by adding the following repository in the main build.gradle file of your Android project so that Gradle can find and build with the library:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Then add the following library dependency in the build.gradle file of your app module:



Replace x.x.x with the desired version of the Flagship SDK.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.abtasty:flagship-android:2.1.0'


If you need to target Android versions from Android 4.1+ API level 16+, use the following code, starting at version 1.2.1 of the Flagship Android SDK:


Available from the maven repository url:

This version ensures TLS 1.2 compatibility between our servers and Android 4.1+, but we do not recommand using it due to lack of TLS 1.2 support by these platforms.


To initialize and start the library, just call the init function of the Flagship class, and call the start method from the returned Builder in the most appropriate location for your application.

class MyActivity : Activity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        Flagship.builder(applicationContext, "my_env_id", "my_api_key").start()
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Flagship.Companion.builder(getApplicationContext(), "my_env_id", "my_api_key").start();

fun builder(appContext: Context, envId: String, apiKey : String) : Builder

contextContextAndroid application context of your app.
envIdStringEnvironment id provided by Flagship.
apiKeyStringApi authentication key provided by Flagship.


You can find your apiKey and your environmentId on your Flagship account, in Parameters > Environment & Security.

Builder Instance

The previous function returns the main Builder that initializes the library.

Flagship.builder(applicationContext, "my_env_id", "my_api_key")
    .withReadyCallback {
        Hit.Event(Hit.EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "sdk-android-ready").send()
        runOnUiThread { update() }
Flagship.Companion.builder(this.getApplicationContext(), "my_env_id", "my_api_key")
    .withReadyCallback(() -> {
        new Hit.Event(Hit.EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "sdk-android-ready").send();
        MainJava.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        return null;

The Builder instance helps you to configure and initialize the SDK via the following optional methods:

  • fun withFlagshipMode(mode: Mode): Builder

    This method lets you start the Flagship SDK in BUCKETING mode (decision logic is executed client-side) or DECISION_API mode (decision logic is executed server-side). The decision mode is set to DECISION_API by default. Learn more

    modeModeDECISION_API (default) or BUCKETING.
  • fun withReadyCallback(lambda: (() -> Unit)): Builder

    This method lets you define code that should run after the SDK is done initializing (e.g. sending an sdk-android-ready event hit).

    lambda(() -> Unit)Lambda to be called when the SDK inizialization is complete.
  • fun withVisitorId(visitorId: String): Builder

    This method lets you identify the current visitor.

    visitorIdString?Unique identifier for the current user. This can be an ID from your database or a session ID. If no value is passed, the SDK will automatically generate a unique ID. Learn more
    isAuthenticatedBooleanSpecify if the current visitor is authenticated (true) or is anonymous (false). False by default.
    visitorContextHashMap<String, Any>Current visitor context properties. Keys must be String, and Values must be Number, String, or Boolean.
  • fun withVisitorConsent(consent: Boolean): Builder

    Specify if the visitor has consented to personal data usage. When false some features will be deactivated, the the cache will be deactivated and cleared. Default value is True.

    consentBooleanTrue when user has given consent, false otherwise. (true by default)
  • fun withLogEnabled(mode: LogMode): Builder

    This method lets you enable SDK logs and configure

    modeLogModeType of log to display. Learn more
  • fun withTimeout(timeout : Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): Builder

    Initialize the SDK with a campaign request timeout. Default is 2 seconds.

    timeoutLongTimeout duration
    timeUnitTimeUnitDuration Unit
  • fun start()

    This method lets you build and start the Flagship SDK.


The SDK gives you the ability to change the envId for QA purposes. Don't forget to delete your app cache when changing environments.

Decision Mode


When the SDK is running in DECISION_API mode, the campaign assignments and targeting validation take place server-side. In this mode, each call to the synchronizeModifications method to refresh the modifications will create an HTTP request.


When the SDK is running in BUCKETING mode, the SDK downloads all the campaigns configurations at once in a single bucketing file so that variation assignment can be computed client-side by the SDK. This bucketing file is stored in the the cache and will only be downloaded again when campaign configurations are modified in the Flagship interface. Learn more

Updating the user context

The user context is a property dataset that defines the current user of your app. This dataset is sent and used by the Flagship Decision API as targeting criteria for campaign assignment.

For example, if you wanted to enable or disable a specific feature based on VIP status, you would pass that attribute as a key-value pair in the user context so that the Decision API can enable or disable the corresponding feature flag for the user.


User context values are used for targeting configuration.

Flagship.updateContext("vipUser", vipUser)
Flagship.updateContext("age", age) {
    this@MainActivity.runOnUiThread { applyChanges() }
Flagship.Companion.updateContext("age", currentVisitor.age, () -> {
    return null;

The SDK provides a set of methods to push new user context values to Flagship.

These functions update the user context value matching the given key. If there isn't an existing value matching that key, a new context value associated with this key will be created.

  • Add a Int, Float, Long, Double Value to the user context:

    fun updateContext(key: String, value: Number, sync: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

  • Add a String Value to the user context:

    fun updateContext(key: String, value: String, sync: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

  • Add a Boolean Value to the user context:

    fun updateContext(key: String, value: Boolean, sync: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

  • Add a HashMap Value to the user context:

    fun updateContext(values: HashMap<String, Any>, sync: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

  • Add a PresetContext Value to the user context:

    fun updateContext(key: PresetContext, value: Any, sync: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

keyStringAttribute key associated with the following value
valueString, Number, BooleanAttribute value to add in the context
syncsync: (() -> (Unit))?Optional. Default value is null. Passing a lambda as a parameter will automatically call synchronizeModifications() and apply the modifications from the server to all campaigns with the updated current context. The given lambda will be invoked when finished. You can also update it manually: synchronizeModifications()


User context values must have a type of string, number, or boolean to be accepted by Flagship.

Retrieve current visitor context

Use the following method to get the current visitor context key values:

fun getContext() : fun getContext(): HashMap<String, Any>

val visitorContext = Flagship.getContext()

Predefined visitor context keys

The Flagship SDK contains predefined user context keys that do not count against your plan quota. Some of the predefined keys will automatically set their values, but you can always override them if needed. These key-value pairs are sent to Flagship and are available in the "Persona" section of the Flagship interface.

For a full list of the predefined keys, see the appendix.

Campaign synchronization

Synchronizing campaigns

Synchronizing campaign modifications allows you to automatically call the Flagship Decision API or bucketing file to run assignments in accordance with the user context to get all their modifications.

All the applicable modifications are stored in the SDK and are updated asynchronously when synchronizeModifications() is called.

Flagship.synchronizeModifications {
    this@MainActivity.runOnUiThread { applyChanges() }
Flagship.Companion.synchronizeModifications( () -> {
    return null;

fun synchronizeModifications(callback: (() -> (Unit))? = null)

callback() -> (Unit)Lambda to be invoked when the SDK has finished updating the modifications from the server.

Getting modifications

Once the campaign has been assigned and synchronized, all the modifications are stored in the SDK. You can retrieve these modifications using the following functions:

val color = Flagship.getModification("btnColor", "#0e5fe3")
String color = Flagship.Companion.getModification("btnColor", "#FFFFFF");
  • Get Modification for Double value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: Double, activate: Boolean = false): Double

  • Get Modification for Int value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: Int, activate: Boolean = false): Int

  • Get Modification for Long value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: Long, activate: Boolean = false): Long

  • Get Modification for Float value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: Float, activate: Boolean = false): Float

  • Get Modification for String value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: String, activate: Boolean = false): String

  • Get Modification for Boolean value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: Boolean, activate: Boolean = false): Boolean

  • Get Modification for JSONObject value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: JSONObject, activate: Boolean = false): JSONObject

  • Get Modification for JSONArray value:

    fun getModification(key: String, default: JSONArray, activate: Boolean = false): JSONArray

keyStringKey associated with the modification.
defaultString, Boolean, Int, Float, Double, JSONArray, JSONObjectThe default value if no value for this modification is found.
activateBoolean Optional. Set to False by default. Set this parameter to True to automatically report on our server that the current visitor has seen this modification. If False, call the activateModification() later.

Getting campaign information

You may need to send campaign IDs to a third-party for reporting and/or analytics purposes. It is now possible to retrieve campaigns IDs for a specific modification key.


fun getModificationInfo(key: String) : JSONObject?

keyStringKey associated with the modification.

It returns a JSONObject? containing campaignId, variationGroupId, variationId and isReference keys & values or null if the modification is not found (the user is not affected to the campaign linked to the modification).

Activating modifications

Once a modification has been rendered on the screen for a user, you must send an activation event to tell Flagship that the user has seen this specific variation.

val color = Flagship.getModification("btnColor", "#0e5fe3", true)


String color = Flagship.Companion.getModification("btnColor", "#FFFFFF", true);

fun activateModification(key: String)

keyStringKey associated with the modification.

Managing visitor consent

The Visitor class provides a method to let you manage visitor consent for data privacy usage. When False, campaign activation and hits will be disabled and cache cleared.

fun setConsent(hasConsented : Boolean)

hasConsentedBooleanSet visitor consent for private data usage. When false some features will be deactivated, cache will be deactivated and cleared. (true by default)
//when the visitor hadn't given consent

//when the visitor gives consent
//when the visitor hadn't given consent

//when the visitor gives consent

Experience Continuity

In some situations, you may want experience consistency between an anonymous visitor and an authenticated visitor. Flagship provides the following two methods in order to help you to specify when a visitor is authenticated or not.
Learn more


fun authenticateVisitor(visitorId: String, visitorContext: HashMap<String, Any>? = null, sync: (() -> Unit)? = null)

visitorIdStringid of the new authenticated visitor.
visitorContextHashMap<String, Any>?(optional: null by default) Replace the current visitor context. Passing null won't replace context and will ensure consistency with the previous visitor context.
synclambda(optional: null by default) If lambda is passed as a a parameter: it will automatically update the campaign's modifications. Then this lambda will be invoked when finished. You also have the possibility to update it manually by calling synchronizeModifications()


fun unauthenticateVisitor(visitorContext: HashMap<String, Any>? = null, sync: (() -> Unit)? = null)

visitorContextHashMap<String, Any>?(optional: null by default) Replace the current visitor context. Passing null won't replace context and will ensure consistency with the previous visitor context.
synclambda(optional: null by default) If lambda is passed as a a parameter: it will automatically update the campaign's modifications. Then this lambda will be invoked when finished. You also have the possibility to update it manually by calling synchronizeModifications()

Code example

//When user log in

//when user log out
//When user log in

//when user log out

Hit Tracking

This section helps send tracking and learn how to build hits in order to approve campaign goals. For more information about our measurement protocol, read our Universal Collect documentation.

There are four different types of Hits available:

  • Screen
  • Transaction
  • Item
  • Event

They must all be built and sent with the following function:

fun <T> sendHit(hit: HitBuilder<T>)

Common Parameters

These parameters can be sent with any type of hit.

userIpStringOptional. User IP
screenResolutionStringOptional. Screen Resolution.
userLanguageStringOptional. User Language
currentSessionTimeStampInt64Optional. Current Session Timestamp
sessionNumberIntOptional. Session Number


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new interface.

  new Hit.Screen("MainActivity")

class Screen(origin: String) : HitBuilder<Screen>()

Builder ParameterTypeDescription
locationStringName of the interface.


This hit should be sent when a user completes a transaction.

Flagship.sendHit(Hit.Transaction("#4802982", "mobile_purchases")
Flagship.Companion.sendHit(new Hit.Transaction("#4802982", "mobile_purchases")

class Transaction(transactionId: String, affiliation: String) : HitBuilder<Transaction>()

Builder ParameterTypeDescription
transactionIdStringUnique identifier for your transaction.
affiliationStringThe name of the KPI that you will have inside your reporting. Learn more
totalRevenueFloatOptional. Specifies the total revenue associated with the transaction. This value should include any shipping and/or tax amounts.
shippingCostFloatOptional. The total shipping cost of your transaction.
withShippingMethodStringOptional. The shipping method for your transaction.
taxesFloatOptional. Specifies the total amount of taxes in your transaction.
currencyStringOptional. Specifies the currency of your transaction. NOTE: This value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
paymentMethodStringOptional. Specifies the payment method used for your transaction.
itemCountIntOptional. Specifies the number of items in your transaction.
couponCodeStringOptional. Specifies the coupon code used by the customer in your transaction.


This hit is used to link an item with a transaction. It must be sent after the corresponding transaction hit.

Flagship.sendHit(Hit.Item("#4802982", "N_SWITCH_19", "#NS19AHLD")
Flagship.Companion.sendHit(new Hit.Item("#4802982", "N_SWITCH_19", "#NS19AHLD")

class Item(transactionId: String, productName: String, productSku : String) : HitBuilder<Item>()

Builder ParameterTypeDescription
transactionIdStringUnique identifier for your transaction.
product nameStringThe name of your item.
productSkuStringSpecifies the SKU or item code.
priceFloatOptional. Specifies the price for a single item/unit.
itemCategoryStringOptional. Specifies the category that the item belongs to.
itemQuantityIntOptional. Specifies the number of items purchased.


The Item hit isn't available yet in the Flagship reporting view.


This hit can be used for any event (e.g. Add To Cart click, newsletter subscription).

Flagship.sendHit(Hit.Event(Hit.EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "click")
Flagship.Companion.sendHit(new Hit.Event(Hit.EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING, "click")

class Event(category: EventCategory, action: String) : HitBuilder<Event>()

Builder ParameterTypeDescription
categoryEventCategoryEvent category of the event (ACTION_TRACKING or USER_ENGAGEMENT).
actionStringEvent name that will also serve as the KPI that you will have inside your reporting. Learn more
labelStringOptional. Additional description of your event.
valueNumberOptional. Specifies the monetary value associated with an event (e.g. you earn 10 to 100 euros depending on the quality of lead generated). NOTE: this value must be non-negative.


Predefined user context keys

The Flagship SDK contains predefined user context keys.

The keys marked as Yes in the Auto-set by SDK column will be automatically set, while the ones marked as No need to be set by the client.


Check the values sent by the SDK by enabling the logs.

You can overwrite these keys at any time. The key-value pairs will be sent to the server in the user context and can be edited in the Persona section of the Flagship platform.

SDK Variable NameDescriptionContext variable nameTypeAuto-set by SDKExample
FIRST_TIME_INITFirst init of the appsdk_firstTimeInitBooleanYesTRUE (FALSE if the init isn't the first one)
LOCALELanguage of the devicesdk_deviceLanguageStringYesfr_FR
DEVICE_TYPETablette / Mobilesdk_deviceTypeStringYesmobile
DEVICE_MODELModel of the devicesdk_deviceModelStringYessamsung E1200
LOCATION_CITYCity geolocationsdk_cityStringNotoulouse
LOCATION_REGIONRegion geolocationsdk_regionStringNooccitanie
LOCATION_COUNTRYCountry geolocationsdk_countryStringNoFrance
LOCATION_LATCurrent Latitudesdk_latDoubleNo43.623647
LOCATION_LONGCurrent Longitudesdk_longDoubleNo1.445397
IPIP of the devicesdk_ipStringNo127.0.0.1
OS_NAMEName of the OSsdk_osNameStringYesandroid / iOS
OS_VERSIONVersion of the OSsdk_osVersionStringYespie
API_LEVELVersion of the APIsdk_apiLevelIntegerYes24
ANDROID_VERSION / IOS VERSIONVersion of Androidsdk_androidVersion / sdk_iOSVersionStringYes9
MVNO / carrierNameName of the carrier or mobile virtual network operatorsdk_carrierNameStringYesorange
DEV_MODEIs the app in debug mode?sdk_devModeBooleanYesTRUE
VISITOR_IDVisitor_id of the usersdk_visitorIdStringYestoto2000
INTERNET_CONNECTIONWhat is the internet connectionsdk_internetConnectionStringNo3g
APP_VERSION_NAMEVersion name of the appsdk_versionNameStringNo1.1.2-beta
APP_VERSION_CODEVersion code of the appsdk_versionCodeIntegerNo40
FLAGSHIP_VERSIONVersion of the Flagship SDKsdk_fsVersionStringYes1.1.2
INTERFACE_NAMEName of the interfacesdk_interfaceNameStringNoProductPage


To overwrite the keys, use the updateContext method