Manage configurations
Manage flagship configurations
This feature is still on beta phase
You may encounter some bugs with the configuration feature, to overcome the bugs use the "Clear all configuration" command to reinitialze the extension and reconfigure it.
The configuration feature lets you manage multiple flagship accounts and environments and easily switch between them.
Each configuration contains :
- Name (unique)
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Account ID
- Account environment ID

You can retrieve these data from the platform or follow these instructions

Create credentials
If you log in for the first time, you will land on the configuration page. This page contains two segments, the first one is to manage configuration, and the second one is to manage the configuration list. You can add configuration using a file or fill out a form.

Configuration page
There are two ways to set a configuration:
- Insert the Name, Client ID, Client Secret, Account ID then Account Environment ID.
- Import the IDs for a file. (Only JSON, YAML, and Yml are supported)

Example of a configuration file to import
When you are all set up you can use the extension.
If you want to add another configuration use the Manage configuration feature in the second segment of the configuration page.

Configuration feature
Adding new configuration
Once you add a new configuration, it's not automaticly selected, you have to right-click on it and use select configuration action.
You have to right-click a configuration, you want to select, edit or delete.

Operations on configuration
Configuration validation
Validation of a configuration is performed after a selection.
Token expires after 24 hours
The token generated from the configuration expired after 24 hours, you have to reselect the configuration to generate a new token.
Jetbrain plugin use Flagship CLI
The plugin use the CLI to manage flagship resources, so any changes made will affect the CLI configurations.
Updated 3 months ago