Quick Start Web Experimentation

Use AB Tasty CLI to create and manage your Web experimentation resources such as campaigns, variation, etc...

Configure the CLI

1 - Retrieve your credentials


Access to your credentials

This feature is still in Early Adoption phase, if you want to try it and have any questions, feel free to ask [email protected]

Create credentials

Create credentials

2 - Use auth login command

Once you retrieve your credentials, use the abtasty-cli web-exp auth logincmd to create your auth file. You can create an auth file in two ways:

insert credentials

abtasty-cli web-exp auth login --username USERNAME -i CLIENT_ID -s CLIENT_SECRET

insert a file

The file inserted must have the same schema as the example below to extract the credentials.

username: username
client_id: ci
client_secret: cs
abtasty-cli web-exp auth login -p PATH_FILE

The abtasty-cli web-exp auth login command will open browser to login into AB Tasty platform then creates a file with the username name as fileName and stores it in $HOME/.abtasty/credentials/we/USERNAME.yaml and writes the value of the flags as key-value pairs then you can use the use command to generate the access token to manage your flagship resources automatically.


List configurations

You can use the commandabtasty-cli web-exp auth listto check your auth files

3 - Use account use command


List accounts

You need to use the commandabtasty-cli web-exp account list to list all account related.

The use command lets you select the account you want to manage

abtasty-cli web-exp account use -i ACCOUNT_ID

The command generates a token that expires after 24 hours and automatically refreshes.


CLI usage

After selecting an auth file, you are good to go !