Analytics integration
Learn how to integrate with other third-party tools
With a custom integration you can simply integrate with other third-party tools in your tech stack.
Whether you are using the Decision API or one of our SDKs, you should have all the information you need to communicate with your existing analytics tool.
Based on a flag, the different information available through the SDK methods are:
) associated with the flagVariationId
) associated with the flag and the campaignIdvariationGroupId
)associated with the flag and the campaignIdisReference
), to indicate if your user belongs to the original variation or notcampaignType
), to indicate the type of campaign, ex: ABslug
) Advanced options, used when calling a single campaign with the campaign_id parameter
For more details, you can search for the metadata()
method through the Flag object on the SDK you are interested in.
If information is missing, please send us some feedback and we can assist you to find the answer 😊
Updated about 1 month ago