Flagship class

To run experiments with Flagship, you will need to start the SDK using:

Start method

start(String envId, String apiKey, {FlagshipConfig? config}) async

envIdStringYesIdentifies your Flagship account and environment (preprod or prod). Find this ID
apiKeyStringYesIdentifies your Flagship api key (preprod or prod). Find this api key
configFlagshipConfigNoObject that represents client's configuration


You can get your own envId & API Key in the Flagship Platform.

  1. Navigate to SettingsAPI Key & Settings
  2. Copy the environment ID & API Key

Flagship uses predefined context keys to help you retrieve data in the reporting, those keys can be the language, Flagship version but can also be some device information.

That's the reason you have to « wait » the device information gathering process.

Here is an example on how to start the SDK:

// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

/////// Start sdk with default options ///////

await Flagship.start("your_env_id", "your_api_key");
//import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

// Create visitor when SDK is ready, using the statusListener
    FlagshipConfig customConfig = ConfigBuilder()
        .withStatusListener((newStatus) {
          // When the status is Ready
          if (newStatus == Status.READY) {
            // Do things ...

    // Start SDK
        "your_env_id", "your_api_key",
        config: customConfig);

Advanced Configuration

The sdk provides the FlagshipConfig object in the start function as an optional parameter where we can set the desired configuration

Decision Mode :

  • ConfigBuilder withMode(Mode newMode)


When the SDK is running in DecisionApi mode, the campaign assignments and targeting validation take place server-side. In this mode, each call to the fetchFlags method to refresh the flags will create an HTTP request.


When the SDK is running in BUCKETING mode, the SDK downloads all the campaigns configurations at once in a single bucketing file so that variation assignment can be computed client-side by the SDK. This bucketing file is stored in cache and will only be downloaded again when campaign configurations are modified in the Flagship interface.

Timeout :
This delay only concerns the request for fetching campaigns under the API mode. If the API didn't answer during this interval of time, the default values will be returned from value function.

  • ConfigBuilder withTimeout(int newTimeout)
newTimeoutintMilliseconds, default value is 2000 ms


The unit of measure for the timeout is Millisecond.

SdkStatusChanged :

This callback is triggered when SDK status has changed.

  • ConfigBuilder onSdkStatusChanged(SdkStatusChanged pSdkStatusChanged)

The SdkStatusChanged is defined as :

  • typedef SdkStatusChanged = void Function(FSSdkStatus newStatus)?
pSdkStatusChangedSdkStatusChangedIndicate the actual status of the sdk. It is called when the status change

logLevel :

ConfigBuilder withLogLevel(Level newLevel)

newLevelLevelLevel of detail, default value is Level.ALL

You can change the detail of log's level during the runtime void setLoggerLevel(Level newLevel)

Polling Interval Time :

Only available for Bucketing Mode:

Define time interval between two bucketing updates.

  • ConfigBuilder withBucketingPollingIntervals(int newPollingTime)
newPollingTimeinttime interval between two bucketing updates, default value is 60s
/////// Start SDK with custom options  ///////

// - timeout   = 2500 ms
// - level     = warning message
// - statusListener callback

FlagshipConfig customConfig = ConfigBuilder()
    .withStatusListener((newStatus) {
      // Do things when status change ...
// Start SDK
await Flagship.start("your_env_id", "your_api_key", config: customConfig);

Config Tracking Manager

  • ConfigBuilder withTrackingConfig(TrackingManagerConfig trackingManagerConfig)

The SDK through the TrackingManager class reports analytics event using batching process, each time a visitor emits a hit, the tracking manager will stack it in the event pool.

When the time interval batchIntervals is over or pool Maximum Size poolMaxSize is reached, the batch process is triggered and the pool emptied.

In the meantime, the caching process depends on the cache strategy adopted.

The advantages:

  • Use less network traffic
  • Avoid data loss
  • Catch all hits that would fail

The TrackingManager stand on three options to setup

  • Time Interval
    Time interval to process and send event through batch


The batchIntervals parameter is an integer, default value is 5 seconds

  • Pool Max Size
    Specifies the maximum number of hit in the pool


The poolMaxSize parameter is an integer, default value is 10

  • Cache Strategy

Define a strategy to adopt, we have two strategies represented by an enum BatchCachingStrategy.


Each time a visitor emits an event, this strategy duplicates events in cache using cacheHit (see InterfaceCache), on completion batching process the saved hits are removed from the cache.

Note: The SDK has a default cache implementation using a database

Note: recommended for client side applications


This strategy periodically makes a copy in the cache of the existing event in the pool, those events will be removed once the batching process completed and succeed

Note: recommended for server-side applications

/////// Start SDK with custom options  ///////

// Create a config manager with a custom settings:
// - timeout   = 1500 ms
// - level     = warning message
// - statusListener callback
// - Time Intreval : 20
// - Maximum size pool : 20

// Create a custom tracking manager  
    var customTrackingConfig = TrackingManagerConfig(
        batchIntervals: 20,
        poolMaxSize: 20,
        batchStrategy: BatchCachingStrategy.BATCH_CONTINUOUS_CACHING);

// Create customConfig config manager 
    FlagshipConfig customConfig = ConfigBuilder()
        .withStatusListener((newStatus) {
          // Do things when status change ...

// Start SDK with a custom configuration
    Flagship.start("your_env_id", "your_api_key", config: customConfig);

Developer Usage Tracking

  • ConfigBuilder withDisableDeveloperUsageTracking(bool disableDeveloperUsageTracking)
disableDeveloperUsageTrackingboolCollects information about the usage of SDK. By default the value is set to false otherwise set to true to disable this feature.

// Create config and disabled usage tracking 
   FlagshipConfig customConfig = ConfigBuilder().withDisableDeveloperUsageTracking(true)
// Start SDK
    await Flagship.start("your_env_id", "your_api_key", config: customConfig);


In the start function the config parameter is optional, The SDK will run with default settings.

Visitor Exposed Callback

In some cases, you'll need to send information about the exposition (When a flag has been seen by your visitor), like sending visitor and flag data to third parties.

To centralize it, we provide a callback in the configuration option of the SDK.

This callback is triggered each time the function visitorExposed is called and success.

  • ConfigBuilder withOnVisitorExposed(OnVisitorExposed pOnVisitorExposed)

The OnVisitorExposed callback is a function with two parameters

typedef OnVisitorExposed = void Function(VisitorExposed visitorExposed, ExposedFlag fromFlag)?;
visitorExposedVisitorExposed This class represents the visitor exposed
fromFlagExposedFlag This class represent the flag exposed.
(The flag that has triggered the exposition)


The class VisitorExposed gives us the visitor's information

anonymousIdStringanonymous id, used with Experience Continuity
contextMap or DictionaryThe current visitor’s context, can be a Map or dictionary depend on the language


The class ExposedFlag gives us the flag's information

keyStringkey for flag
valueAnyvalue for the flag
defaultValueAnydefault value
metadata()FlagMetadataCampaign information metadata, this class already existed

For both class VisitorExposed & ExposedFlag use toJson() method to get the json representation .

// Inside the callBack we use toJson() method to get the json representation.
// This block is a part of confuguration builder, for more information 
// go to #flagship-configuration-options section
.withOnVisitorExposed((exposedUser, fromFlag) {
          // Get the json representation                  
// Representation of VisitorExposed  
  "id": "visitor_1",
  "anonymousId": null,
  "context": {
    "sdk_firstTimeInit": false,
    "sdk_deviceLanguage": "fr_US",
    "sdk_deviceType": "Mobile",
    "sdk_deviceModel": "iPhone",
    "sdk_osName": "ios",
    "sdk_osVersionName": "ios",
    "sdk_fsVersion": "2.1.0,",
    "customer": "QA",
    "country": "FR"

// Representation of ExposedFlag 
  "key": "btnColor",
  "value": "Green",
  "metadata": {
    "campaignId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0sv0",
    "variationGroupId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t00",
    "variationId": "cfv24sokqu3h6tka0t10",
    "isReference": false,
    "campaignType": "ab",
    "slug": null


The onVisitorExposed callback is triggered ONLY when the visitorExpose() method is called and success.

Here is an example on how to use this callback:

newVisitor method

Once Flagship SDK is initialized, you can create a visitor.

The Visitor instance is an object that lets you manage the context, activate experiments and track events.

  • VisitorBuilder newVisitor({required String visitorId, required bool hasConsented,Instance instanceType = Instance.SINGLE_INSTANCE})
visitorIdStringyesUnique visitor identifier
hasConsentedboolyestrue when visitor has given consent, false otherwise.
instanceTypeInstancenoHow Flagship SDK should handle the newly created visitor instance. (Default is SINGLE_INSTANCE)

The newly created visitor instance will be returned and saved into the Flagship singleton. Call Flagship.getCurrentVisitor() to retrieve the instance.

The newly created visitor instance wont be saved and will simply be returned.

Visitor Builder methods:

Represents the visitor's initial context key/values used for targeting.

Context keys must be String, and values types must be one of the following: String, bool, int, double, Boolean, String.

  • VisitorBuilder withContext(Map<String, Object> context)
contextMap<String, Object>initial context
  • isAuthenticated(bool authenticated)

The visitorId will be considered as authenticated if true otherwise is anonymous.

authenticatedbooltrue for authenticated visitor, false for anonymous.

Flagship uses predefined context keys to help you retrieve data in the reporting, those keys can be the location, IP but can also be some device information.

That's the reason you have to « wait for » the process to gather the device's information.

Here is an example on how to start the SDK and create visitor :

// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

///////        Create visitor          ///////

// Start SDK
await Flagship.start("your_env_id", "your_api_key");

Visitor visitor1 =
      Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId:"visitor_1",hasConsented: true)
              .withContext({"isVip": true})
// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

// Create visitor when SDK is ready, using the statusListener

    FlagshipConfig customConfig = ConfigBuilder()
        .withStatusListener((newStatus) {
          // When the status is Ready
          if (newStatus == Status.READY) {
            // Get the current visitor
            if (Flagship.getCurrentVisitor() == null) {
              // Create new visitor when the current visitor is null
              // By default the created visitor is a shared instance
                  .withContext({"isVip": true})
            // Fetch flags
            Flagship.getCurrentVisitor()?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
              // Do things

    // Start SDK
        "your_env_id", "your_api_key",
        config: customConfig);

Get & Set the current visitor method

Most of the time, your Flutter application will handle only 1 visitor at any given time.
For this use case, Flagship implements 2 useful methods to store the created visitor as the current singleton visitor instance.

static setCurrentVisitor(Visitor visitor)

Stores the current visitor instance created at the newVisitor.

// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

/////// set the current visitor //////////

// Create not shared instance visitor
Visitor newVisitor = Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId: "visitor_1",hasConsented: true, instanceType: Instance.NEW_INSTANCE)
        						.withContext({"isVip": true})

// Set as current visitor

static Visitor? getCurrentVisitor()

Returns the current visitor instance stored when setting the current visitor.

// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

/////// Get the current visitor //////////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();


This method returns a nullable Visitor (in case the current visitor has not been previously set).
Make sure to check whether it is null or not before using it.

getStatus method

It's possible to get the current status via the method getStatus() from the Flagship class.

  • static Status getStatus()

Return an enum that represent the current SDK status

List of the possible SDK status :

SDK_NOT_INITIALIZEDThe SDK has not been started.
SDK_INITIALIZINGThe SDK is still starting. In bucketing mode the sdk needs to download the ressources (bucketing file) before starting. if the file already exists, this status is skipped.
SDK_INITIALIZEDThe SDK is ready to be used.
SDK_PANICThe SDK is ready, but it is running in Panic mode: All visitor's features are disabled except 'fetchFlags' which refreshes this status.
// Get the current status for the SDK
   var currentStatus = Flagship.getStatus();

// Using getStatus to check if the SDK is SDK_INITIALIZED

// Create the visitor 
   var visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId: "user1", hasConsented: true).withContext({"isVip":true}).build();

// Fetch Flags the modifications 
   visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
// Get the status and check the mode
   Status currentState =  Flagship.getStatus();
    if (currentState == Status.SDK_INITIALIZED) {
      // The SDK is INITIALIZED

Visitor class

updateContext method

The visitor context is a property dataset that defines the current visitor of your app. This dataset is sent and used by the Flagship Decision API as targeting criteria for campaign assignment.

The following method from the Visitor instance allows you to set new context values matching the given keys.

void updateContext(String key, Object value)

Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting.

Only String, bool, int, double typed values are accepted.

keyStringContext key.
valueObjectContext value.

void updateContextWithMap(Map<String, Object> context)

Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting.

Only String, bool, double and int type values are accepted.

contextMap<String, Object>Map of keys, values.


  • User context keys must have a type of String
    • User context values must have a type of String, bool, double or int
    • User context keys and values are case sensitive

void updateFlagshipContext<T>(FlagshipContext flagshipContext, T value)

Update the context with a predefined context see FlagshipContext

flagshipContextFlagshipContextPredefined context key, see FlagshipContext
valueTvalue of the associated Predefined key
// import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

/////// Update context ///////

var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();

// Update context with key/value
currentVisitor?.updateContext("lastPurchaseDate", 1615384464);

// Update context with Map
currentVisitor?.updateContextWithMap({"isVip": true, "key1": 12.5, "key2": "title", "key3": 2});

// Update the location country
currentVisitor?.updateFlagshipContext(FlagshipContext.LOCATION_COUNTRY, "FRANCE");

// Update the carrier name
currentVisitor?.updateFlagshipContext(FlagshipContext.CARRIER_NAME, "SFR");

clearContext method

void clearContext()

Clear the visitor context values used for targeting.

// Import package
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';

/////// Clear context ///////

var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();


fetchFlags method

Future<void> fetchFlags() async

This function will call the decision api and update all the campaigns flags from the server according to the visitor context.

The fetchFlags() method of the visitor instance automatically calls the Flagship Decision API to run campaign assignments according to the current visitor context and retrieve applicable flags.

These flags are updated asynchronously when fetchFlags() is called.

///////     Fetch Flags           ///////

import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';
// Get the current visitor
var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
// Fetch Flags
currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
  // The fetch is done.
  // If the panic mode is ON or the fetch fail for another reason
  // the value for flag will be a default value

flagStatus property

FlagStatus enum parameter belongs to the visitor instance, and it reflects the status of the visitor's fetching workflow.

    The flags are fetched from the API or re-evaluated in bucketing mode and up to date.
    Flags are currently being fetched from the API or re-evaluated in bucketing mode.
    Flags need to be re-fetched due to a change in the visitor context, visitor authentication or because the flags were loaded from cache.
    The SDK is in PANIC mode: All features are disabled except for the one to fetch flags. Flags default value will be returned.
enum FlagStatus { 
  // The flags are fetched from the API or re-evaluated in bucketing mode and up to date.
  // Flags are currently being fetched from the API or re-evaluated in bucketing mode.
  // Flags need to be re-fetched due to a change in the visitor context, visitor authentication or because the flags were loaded from cache.
  // The SDK is in PANIC mode: All features are disabled except for the one to fetch flags. Flags default value will be returned.
Visitor visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(
        visitorId: "visitor",
        hasConsented: true,)
    .withContext({"isVip": true}))
// Get visitor status before fetching
visitor.flagStatus; // The value should be FETCH_REQUIRED
// Fetch Flags
visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
  visitor.flagStatus; // The value should be FETCHED, we assume no error occured during the fetch

fetchReasons property

Speaking of flagStatus values related to workflow, we noticed that FETCH_REQUIRED is confusing sometimes because it may come from different scenarios.

The SDK provides a new smart indicator that gives you the main reason why visitor flags need to be re-evaluated. FetchFlagsRequiredStatusReason enum belongs to the visitor instance with these possible values:

    Indicate that the visitor has been created for the first time or without cache.
    Indicates that a context has been updated or changed.
    Indicates that the XPC method 'authenticate' has been called.
    Indicates that the XPC method 'unauthenticate' has been called.
    Indicates that fetching flags has failed.
    Indicates that flags have been fetched from the cache.
  • NONE
    No reason; the state should be FETCHED, FETCHING, PANIC.

enum FetchFlagsRequiredStatusReason {
  // Indicate that the visitor is created for the first time or without cache
  // Indicates that a context has been updated or changed.
  // Indicates that the XPC method 'authenticate' has been called.
  // Indicates that the XPC method 'unauthenticate' has been called.
  // Indicates that fetching flags has failed.
  // Indicates that flags have been fetched from the cache.
  // No reason; the state should be  FETCHED,  FETCHING, PANIC
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';
import 'package:flagship/status.dart';

// Create Visitor 
Visitor visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(
        visitorId: "visitor",
        hasConsented: true,)
        .withContext({"isVip": true})
// Get visitor status before fetching
visitor.flagStatus; // The value should be FETCH_REQUIRED
// Get reason status before fetching
visitor.fetchReasons; // The value should be FLAGS_NEVER_FETCHED
// Fetch Flags
visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
      visitor.flagStatus; // The value should be FETCHED, we assume no error occured during the fetch
      visitor.fetchReasons; // The value should be None

getFlag method

Once the campaign has been assigned and fetched, all the flags are stored in the SDK.
You can retrieve these flags using the following functions from the Visitor instance:

///////    Get Flag      ///////

import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';
import 'package:flagship/model/flag.dart';

// Get the current visitor
    var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();

// Fetch flags
    currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
      // Ex: get flag for vip feature
      Flag flag = currentVisitor.getFlag("displayVipFeature");

// The getFlag function can be directly called through the "currentVisitor" instance if you
// already fetched it elsewhere in the application

Flag getFlag<T>(String key)

Retrieve a Flag object by its key. If no flag matches the given key, an empty flag will be returned. Call exists() to check if the flag has been found.

keyStringYesKey associated to the modification.

getFlags method

Return a collection that contains all current flags on the SDK. Go to FlagCollection for more information.

  • FlagCollection getFlags()

setConsent method

The Visitor class provides a method to let you manage visitor consent for data privacy usage. When false, the activation and hits will be disabled.

/////// Manage visitor consent ///////

// Create visitor with NO consent
var visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId: "user1", hasConsented: false).withContext({"isVip":true}).build()
// Set the consent to true on run time

authenticate method

There are 2 ways to authenticate a visitor:

  1. Set isAuthenticated to true when creating a new visitor
  2. Use authenticate method of Visitor instance
    Authenticate anonymous visitor


Make sure that the experience continuity option is enabled on the flagship platform before using those methods.

  • authenticate(String visitorId)
visitorIdStringid of the new authenticated visitor.


Because we have changed the visitor data, we have to call the fetchFlags method after calling this one to update the decision from Flagship.

The targeting / Flags could be different for the visitor.

unauthenticate method

This function change authenticated visitor to anonymous visitor.

  • unauthenticate()


Because we have changed the visitor datas, we have to call the fetchFlags method after calling this one to update the decision from Flagship.

The targeting / Flags could be different for the visitor.

Experience Continuity - Code example

Dealing with anonymous and logged-in users, experience continuity allows you to maintain consistency between sessions and devices.

Let's assume basic scenario to understand how things work:

  1. Your visitor arrives on your app for the first time.

We need to initialize the visitor, but as we don't know anything about this visitor, we'll create a random_Id. You can also specify some visitor context if necessary.

// Create visitor with random_Id
  Visitor visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId: "random_Id", hasConsented: true).withContext({"isVip": true}).build();
// Fetch flags
  visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
    // .. Do things

The actual random_Id will be what we call the anonymous id.

  1. Your visitor is signing in.

To tell the SDK about this status modification, you'll have to call the authenticate function, which takes the required visitor ID as an argument.

// Example
// You fetch the visitor_id from your DB
// let visitorId = db.getUserId();

// Authenticate

// Since your visitor has changed (is now logged-in)
// You have to check if the proper targeting and flags are set

  visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
    // .. Do things

The visitor is updated as authenticated, keeping the previous variations from campaigns that are still matched and thus giving you the same flags as before being logged in.

  1. Your visitor decides to sign out.

If you want to keep the same visitor experience, then you should do:

// Unauthenticate

// Since your visitor has changed (is now logged-out)
// You have to check if the proper targeting and flags are set
  visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
    // .. Do things

Final implementation example

// Create a visitor
Visitor visitor = Flagship.newVisitor(visitorId: "random_Id", hasConsented: true).withContext({"isVip": true}).build();

// Fetch flags
  visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
     // ... Do things ....

// You fetch the visitor_id from your DB
// let visitorId = db.getUserId();

// Call the authenticate function

// Fetch the flags to update the visitor decision
   visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
      // ... Do things ....

// If you want to unauthenticate the visitor

// Fetch the flags to update the visitor decision
visitor.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
  // ... Do things ....

SendHit method

Future<void> SendHit(hit HitProtocol)

This function sends hits to flagship servers for reporting; go to the hit section for more information.

eventHitProtocolevent can be Screen, Transaction, Item, Event See Hit Tracking

Flag class

value method

To retrieve the flag's current value, simply call the value() method of the Flag object.

  • dynamic value<T>(T? defaultValue, {bool visitorExposed = true})
    Returns the value from the assigned campaign variation or the flag default value if the flag does not exist or if types are different.
defaultValueGenericRepresents a fallback value if something goes wrong.
visitorExposedboolTells Flagship: The visitor has been exposed and has seen this flag. This will increment the visits for the current variation on your campaign reporting. 
If needed, it is possible to set this parameter to false and call visitorExposed() afterward when the visitor has really been exposed to it.
ReturnGenericReturns the flag value or the fallback.


The default value for visitorExposed is true.

import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';
import 'package:flagship/model/flag.dart';

// Get the current visitor
 var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
// Fetch flags
   currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
     // Ex: get flag for vip feature
     Flag flag = currentVisitor.getFlag("displayVipFeature");
     // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature
     // The default value is false
     bool shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value(false);


When the value of flag is null , the value() method returns the defaultValue


The defaultValue must be one of the following types : String, bool, int ,double List, Map.

metadata method

You may need to send the campaign's information to a third party for reporting and/or analytics purposes. The metadata method returns a dictionary with values you can use.

  • FlagMetadata metadata()
    Returns the campaign metadata or an empty object if the flag doesn't exist or if the default value type does not correspond to the flag type in Flagship.
import 'package:flagship/flagship.dart';
import 'package:flagship/model/flag.dart';

// Get the current visitor
   var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();

// Fetch flags
   currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
   // Ex: get flag for vip feature
   Flag flag = currentVisitor.getFlag("displayVipFeature", false);

   // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature
   bool shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value();
   // Use this flag to get the metadata      
       FlagMetadata metadata = flag.metadata();

The metadata you can access to are the following one:

FlagMetadataTypeDefault valueDescription
campaignIdString""id of the campaign.
campaignNameString""Name of the campaign.
variationGroupIdString""Id of the variation group.
variationGroupNameString""Name of the variation group.
variationIdString""id of the variation assigned.
variationNameString""Name of the variation.
isReferenceboolfalseif true that means the assigned variation is the reference, otherwise it's not.
campaignTypeString""Type of the campaign. Ex: AB.
slugString""campaign slug or empty string if not configured in the platform.

visitorExposed method

By default, when the method value() is called, the SDK considers that the visitor has seen your flag unless you pass false to value(). In this last case, you will have to call the visitorExposed() method.

There are two options for exposing a visitor to a flag:
1 - Pass an visitorExposed = true parameter to the value() method.
2 - Use the following visitorExposed() method from the Flag instance.

  • Future<void> visitorExposed() async
// Get the current visitor
   var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();

// Fetch flags
   currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
   // Ex: get flag for vip feature
   Flag flag = currentVisitor.getFlag("displayVipFeature");

   // Use this flag value to enable displaying the vip feature with expose to false
   bool shouldDisplayVipFeature = flag.value(true, visitorExposed: false);
   // Expose this flag later in the code



The onVisitorExposed is triggered when this callback is defined in configuration options
and the visitorExpose() method success.

exists method

  • bool exists()
    This method will return trueif a flag has been returned by Flagship.
// Get the current visitor
   var currentVisitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();

// Fetch flags
   currentVisitor?.fetchFlags().whenComplete(() {
   // Ex: get flag for vip feature and check if it exists
      bool isDisplayVipFeatureExists = currentVisitor.getFlag("do_not_exists").exists();

getFlagStatus method

  • FlagStatus getFlagStatus()

Returns the status of flag.

ReturnFlagStatusThe status of the flag.

This FlagStatus can have one of these possible values:

    The flags are fetched from the API or re-evaluated in bucketing mode and up to date.
    Visitor context, visitor authentication have been updated while flags have not been re-evaluated.
    The flag was not found when creating the flag instance.
    The SDK is in PANIC mode, default flags values will be returned.

FlagCollection class

This class represents a Map<String, Flag>

Instance Subscript

  • Flag operator [](String key)
keyStringThe key representing the flag in the Map
ReturnFlagThe value associated with key if key is in the dictionary; otherwise, return an empty Flag object.

Getting keys

Return all keys present and available in the SDK.

  • Iterable<String> keys()
ReturnListList of string keys associated to flag

Getting metadata

Return List of metadata

  • List<FlagMetadata> metadatas()
ReturnListList of FlagMetadata

toJson method

  • String toJson()

Provide a string representation of a JSON object that represents all metadata.

ReturnStringJSON Representation.  Return an empty string if no metadata is available.


If metadata is not found ===> return an empty string

Assume we have two flags btnTitle and btnColor. The returned string from the call toJson() function is

    "campaignId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "campaignName": "xxxxxxx",
    "variationGroupdId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "variationGroupName": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "variationId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "isReference": false,
    "campaignType": "ab",
    "slug": "xxxx"
    "campaignName": "xxxxxxx",
    "isReference": false,
    "campaignType": "ab",
    "slug": "xxxx"


Returns a new Map containing the key-value pairs of the Map that satisfy the given condition.

  • FlagCollection filter(bool Function(String, Flag) isIncluded)
isIncludedboolA Function that takes a key-value pair as its argument and returns a bool value indicating whether the pair should be included in the returned Map.
ReturnFlagCollectionThe key-Flag pairs that isIncluded allows.
// User get all flag
FlagCollection flagCollection = visitor.getFlags();
// Apply filter
var result = flagCollection.filter((keyFlag, flag){
          return flag.metadata().campaignId == "Original";
 // result will contain a flag that correspond to the condition : variationName == "Original"


Applies [action] to each key/value pair of the map.

  • void forEach(void action(String key, Flag value))
actionFunctionaction to each key/value pair of the map.


Calling action must not add or remove keys from the map.

// User get flag collection
FlagCollection flagCollection = visitor.getFlags();
// Apply forEach
// Expose flags associated with the variationName == "Original"
flagCollection.forEach((keyFlag, flag) {
  if (flag.metadata().campaignName == "Original") {

exposeAll method

 From the collection instance, we are able to expose all flags in one call.

  • void exposeAll()

isEmpty property

Whether there is no key/value pair in the map. Read only property

count property

The number of key/value pairs in the map. Read only property

Managing visitor cache

The role of cache management is to avoid data lost and keep SDK working correctly in the offline mode. Also in the bucketing mode will prevent against the Re-allocation

Offline mode
The SDK use the last cached data relative to visitor (campaign assignations) and cache events analytics in order to report them later.

In Bucketing mode the visitor keeps his initial variation chosen by the bucket process even if the allocation changes.

Flagship's architecture allows the client to set his own custom cache manager by implementing the interfaces IVisitorCacheImplementation and IHitCacheImplementation. see the configuration


Flagship Flutter SDK provide a default cache manager implementation.

Interface IVisitorCacheImplementation

This protocol specifies the methods to implement in order to cache information visitor.

void cacheVisitor(String visitorId, String jsonString)

This method is called after each fetchFlags. Must upsert the given visitor jsonString in the database.

visitorIdStringVisitor ID
jsonStringStringRepresent json visitor data

Future<String> lookupVisitor(String visitoId)

This method is called right at visitor creation, return a jsonString corresponding to visitor.

visitorIdStringVisitor ID
FutureStringReturn a future String that represent json of visitor data

void flushVisitor(String visitorId)

This method is called when the SDK needs to erase the visitor information corresponding to visitor ID in the database.


It will be called every time setConsent get false.

visitorIdStringVisitor ID

Interface IHitCacheImplementation

void cacheHits(Map<String, Object> hits)

This method will be called to cache hits depending on the cache strategy used.

hitsMap<String, Object>key/value object where the :

- key is a unique ID for each hit
- value is an object that represent hit

Future<List<Map>> lookupHits()

This method will be called to load all hits from your database and trying to send them.

ListListReturn as future a list of hit , each hit represented with Map (key, value)

- key : is unique Id for the hits in the database
- value : object that represent the cached hit

void flushHits(List<String> hitIds)

This method will be called to erase all hits in your database without exception.

hitIdsListIds of hits

void flushAllHits()

This method must remove all hits in the database without exception.

Final implementation example

// Implement IHitCacheImplementation
class CustomCacheHit with IHitCacheImplementation {
  void cacheHits(Map<String,Object> hits) {
     // Save the Map that represent {"hitId": {data hit}}

  void flushAllHits() {
    // Remove all hits in database    

  void flushHits(List<String> hitIds) {
    // Remove the hit's id given with List 

  Future<List<Map>> lookupHits()async {
    // Return the saved hit in your database


// Implement IVisitorCacheImplementation

class CustomVisitorCache with IVisitorCacheImplementation {
  void cacheVisitor(String visitorId, String jsonString) {
     // Save the json that represent the data information for visitorId

  void flushVisitor(String visitorId) {
    // Remove the data for visitorId

  Future<String> lookupVisitor(String visitoId) async {
    // Return the saved data to visitorId


 // Create a config object and specify the custom hit and custom visitor
    var config = ConfigBuilder()
// Start the SDK with the config 
   await Flagship.start("envId", "apiKey", config: config);

Hit Tracking

This section helps send tracking and learn how to build hits in order to track campaign goals.

The different types of Hits are:

They must all be built and sent with the following method of the visitor instance:

Future<void> SendHit(hit HitProtocol)

Common parameters

These parameters can be sent with any type of hit.

userIpStringoptional User IP
screenResolutionStringoptional Screen Resolution.
userLanguageStringoptional User Language
sessionNumberintoptional Session Number

Hit types


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new interface.

Hit parameterTypeRequiredDescription
locationStringYesName of the screen
/////// Screen hit ///////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
// Send screen hit 
visitor?.sendHit(Screen(location: "My page"));


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on web page in an embedded web view

Hit parameterTypeRequiredDescription
locationStringYesValid url
/////// Page  hit ///////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
// Send page hit 
visitor?.sendHit(Page(location: "https://www.my_domain_com/my_page"));


This hit should be sent when a user complete a Transaction.

Hit ParameterTypeRequiredDescription
transactionIdStringYesTransaction unique identifier.
affiliationStringYesTransaction name. Name of the goal in the reporting.
revenuedouble?NoTotal revenue associated with the transaction. This value should include any shipping or tax costs.
shippingdouble?NoSpecifies the total shipping cost of the transaction.
shippingMethodString?NoSpecifies the shipping method of the transaction.
taxdouble?NoSpecifies the total taxes of the transaction.
currencyString?NoSpecifies the currency used for all transaction currency values. Value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
paymentMethodString?NoSpecifies the payment method for the transaction.
itemCountint?NoSpecifies the number of items for the transaction.
couponCodeString?NoSpecifies the coupon code used by the customer for the transaction.
/////// Transaction hit ///////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
  transactionId   : "YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID",
  affiliation     : "GOAL_NAME", // The goal name set in Flagship campaign
  revenue         :	100,
  shipping        :	10,
  tax             :	5,
  currency        : "EUR",
  couponCode      : "discount",
  paymentMethod   : "Card",
  shippingMethod  : "postal",
  itemCount       : 2,


This hit is linked to a transaction. It must be sent after the corresponding transaction.

Hit ParameterTypeRequired Description
transactionIdStringYesTransaction unique identifier.
nameStringYesProduct name.
codeStringYesSpecifies the item code or SKU.
pricedouble?NoSpecifies the item price.
categoryString?NoSpecifies the item category.
quantityint?NoSpecifies the item quantity
/////// Item hit ///////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
  transactionId	: "YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID",
  name					: "item name",
  code					: "item code",
  price					: 10.5,
  quantity			: 5,
  category			: "item category"


This hit can be anything you want: for example a click or a newsletter subscription.

Hit ParameterTypeRequired Description
CategoryEventCategoryYesCategory of the event ("Action_Tracking" or "User_Engagement").
ActionStringYesThe event action. Should match the goal name of the campaign
LabelStringNoLabel of the event.
ValueintNoSpecifies a value for this event. must be non-negative.
/////// Event hit ///////

var visitor = Flagship.getCurrentVisitor();
  action		: "Event action", // The name of the goal defined in your campaign
  category	: EventCategory.Action_Tracking,
  label			: "custom label",
  value			: 2


Predefined user context keys

The Flagship SDK contains predefined user context keys.

The keys marked as Yes in the Auto-set by SDK column will be automatically set, while the ones marked as No need to be set by the client.

They are nevertheless overridable at anytime. Then these predefined context keys-value pairs will be sent to the server and be editable in the Persona section of the Flagship platform.

SDK Variable nameDescriptionContext Variable nameTypeAuto-set by SDKExample
FIRST_TIME_INITFirst init of the appsdk_firstTimeInitboolYtrue
DEVICE_LOCALLanguage of the devicesdk_deviceLanguageStringYesfr_FR
DEVICE_TYPEType fo the devicesdk_deviceTypeStringYesmobile
LOCATION_CITYCity geolocationsdk_cityStringNoParis
LOCATION_REGIONRegion geolocationsdk_regionStringNoile de france
LOCATION_COUNTRYCountry geolocationsdk_countryStringNoFrance
LOCATION_LATCurrent Latitudesdk_latDoubleNo43.623647
LOCATION_LONGCurrent Longitudesdk_longDoubleNo1.445397
OS_NAMEName of the OSsdk_osNameStringYesiOS / macOS
OS_VERSION_CODEVersion of OSsdk_osVersionCodeStringYes9.0
MVNO / carrierNameMobile virtual network operatorsdk_carrierNameStringNoorange
DEV_MODEIs the app in debug mode?sdk_devModeboolNotrue
INTERNET_CONNECTIONWhat is the internet connectionsdk_internetConnectionStringNo4G
APP_VERSION_NAMEVersion name of the appsdk_versionNameStringNo1.1.2-beta
APP_VERSION_CODEVersion code of the appsdk_versionCodeintNo40
FLAGSHIP_VERSIONVersion of the Flagship SDKsdk_fsVersionStringYes3.0
INTERFACE_NAMEName of the interfacesdk_interfaceNameStringNoProductPage

Here you can see how a predefined key is used to filter a report in the Flagship interface: