Universal Collect Documentation
Collect as you breath
Flagship’s Universal Collect protocol provides a unified hit format to send data back to Flagship for reporting purposes. The format of the hit is based on the Google Analytics measurement protocol.
Universal Collect is compatible with both Decision API implementations (for both server-side and client-side applications) and Flagship SDKs.
Heads Up
In order to see your events in the Flagship reporting interface, the visitor first needs to be assigned to a use case.
Common arguments
There are certain arguments that are required for every hit type. You should get to know them before reading into hit-specific arguments.
Learn more about the specific arguments and rules associated with each hit type by clicking on the hit names below.
Common Arguments list
These arguments can be sent with any type of hit. Including more data with your hit will yield more actionable reports so you can more clearly identify what works, what doesn't work, and where you can drill down further.
Required for all hit types:
Required for Screenview & Pageview hits only:
Optional for all hit types
- User IP (optional)
- Screen Resolution (optional)
- User Language (optional)
- Current Session Timestamp (optional)
- Session Number (optional)
Required for all hit types
This argument refers to the type of hit.
(hit documentation)SCREENVIEW
(hit documentation)EVENT
(hit documentation)ITEM
(hit documentation)TRANSACTION
(hit documentation)
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
t | string | None | None | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
You might see some
hits when browsing your network.
They are automatically sent when:
- You call the
Decision API endpoint with thetrigger_hit
parameter not set tofalse
- You call the
Decision API endpoint- You use one of the activate method available in SDKs (with API or Bucketing mode)
Environment ID
Required for all hit types
This argument refers to the unique ID of the environment in Flagship (prod or preprod).
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
cid | string | None | 32 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Visitor ID
Required for all hit types
This argument refers to the unique ID associated with the application user or website visitor.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
vid | string | None | 50 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Data Source
Required for all hit types
This argument refers to the data source type. The value should be set to APP
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length |
ds | string | APP | 10 Bytes |
- Required value:
- Required usage:
User IP
Optional for all hit types
This argument refers to the IP address of the user. This should be a valid IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. It will always be anonymized.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
uip | string | None | 45 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Screen Resolution
Optional for all hit types
This argument refers to the the screen resolution in pixels.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
sr | string | None | 20 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Page Title
This argument refers to the title of the page or document.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
pt | string | None | 1500 Bytes | all |
— Example value: Settings
— Example usage: pt=Settings
User Language
Optional for all hit types
This argument refers to the user's language.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ul | string | None | 20 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Document Location URL
Required for Screenview & Pageview hit types.
This argument refers to the URL of the page, or the Screen Name of the app, at the moment the hit is sent.
SCREENVIEW hit specificity
, thedl
can be equal to any string value.
PAGEVIEW hit specificity
, the value must be a valid URL. Otherwise the hit will be rejected.
Also, our server will compute more information from this URL, such as domain name, path, parameters, etc.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
dl | string | None | 2048 Bytes | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Current Session Timestamp
Optional for all hit types
This argument indicates when the current session was started in Unix Epoch time.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
cst | Integer | None | None | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Session Number
Optional for all hit types
This argument indicates the number of sessions the current visitor has logged, including the current session.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
sn | Integer | None | None | all |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
This hit should be sent every time the visitor lands on a new screen on your application.
hits must implement the Document Location URL in addition to the required common arguments- Common argument Type (
) must be set toSCREENVIEW
That's it! There are no other hit-specific arguements for this hit type.
Implementation example
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "{{environmentId}}",
"dl": "HomeScreen",
"vid": "{{visitorId}}",
This hit should be sent every time the visitor lands on a new page on your website.
hits must implement the Document Location URL in addition to the required common arguments- Common argument Type (
) must be set toPAGEVIEW
That's it! There are no other hit-specific arguements for this hit type.
Implementation example
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "{{environmentId}}",
"dl": "https://www.abtasty.com",
"t": "PAGEVIEW",
"vid": "{{visitorId}}",
This hit type can be used to measure any events you may be interested in, from element clicks to newsletter subscriptions.
hits must implement the requiredcommon arguments- Common argument Type (
) must be set toEVENT
Event Category
Required for EVENT
hit type
This argument categorizes the event and helps us understand what you want to retrieve inside the reporting.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ec | string | None | 150 Bytes | EVENT |
- Example value:
Action Tracking
- Example usage:
ec="Action Tracking"
must be equal to Action Tracking or User Engagement
Event Action
Required for EVENT
hit type
This argument corresponds to the KPI name you will be able to select inside the Flagship dashboard reporting.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ea | string | None | 500 Bytes | EVENT |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Event Label
This argument is a supplementary description of your event.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
el | string | None | 500 Bytes | EVENT |
- Example value:
contains status of user newsletter mode
- Example usage:
el=contains status of user newsletter mode
Event Value
The Event Value can be used to evaluate user interactions with individual site objects or content items.
For example, each new registration for a newsletter gets an event value.
must be non-negative.
must be an integer (It won't work with float)
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ev | integer | None | 500 Bytes | EVENT |
- Example value:
- Example usage:
Implementation example
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"dl": "https://react-ecommerce-demo.internal.flagship.io/",
"ea": "newsletterSubscription",
"ec": "Action Tracking",
"el": "optin",
"ev": 1,
"t": "EVENT",
"vid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
A transaction hit should be manually configured to be sent each time a visitor completes a transaction.
Do not send
hits with the sameta
parameter values.
A transaction can be linked to other ITEM
hits to specify the products of the transaction (see item event documentation).
hits must implement the requiredcommon arguments- Common argument Type (
) must be set toTRANSACTION
Transaction ID
Required for TRANSACTION
hit type and for ITEM
hit type when triggered on confirmation page.
Transaction IDtid
values must be unique for each transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tid | string | None | 500 Bytes | TRANSACTION, ITEM |
Example value: OD564
Example usage: tid=OD564
Transaction Affiliation
This argument corresponds to the KPI name you will be able to select inside the Flagship dashboard reporting.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ta | string | None | 500 Bytes | TRANSACTION |
Example value: Purchase
Example usage: ta=Purchase
Transaction Revenue
This argument specifies the total revenue associated with a transaction. This value should include any supplementary costs such as shipping or taxes.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tr | float | 0 | None | TRANSACTION |
Example value: 15.47
Example usage: tr=15.47
Transaction Shipping
This argument specifies the total shipping costs of a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ts | float | 0 | None | TRANSACTION |
Example value: 3.50
Example usage: ts=3.50
Transaction Tax
This argument specifies the total tax collected in a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tt | float | 0 | None | TRANSACTION |
Example value: 2.60
Example usage: tt=2.60
Transaction Currency
When present, this argument indicates the local currency for all the currency values in a transaction. The value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tc | string | None | 500 Bytes | TRANSACTION |
Example value: EUR
Example usage: tc=EUR
Transaction Coupon Code
This argument refers to the coupon or discount code associated with a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tcc | string | None | 10 Bytes | TRANSACTION |
Example value: coupon
Example usage: tcc=coupon
Payment Method
This argument indicates the payment method used in a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
pm | string | None | 10 Bytes | TRANSACTION |
Example value: Paypal
Example usage: pm="Paypal"
Shipping Method
This argument indicates the shipping method used in a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
sm | string | None | 10 Bytes | TRANSACTION |
Example value: express
Example usage: sm="express"
Item Count Number
This argument indicates the number of items included in a transaction.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
icn | int | None | None | TRANSACTION |
Example value: 12
Example usage: icn=12
Implementation example
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"icn": 12,
"pm": "Paypal",
"sm": "Fedex",
"ta": "Purchase",
"tc": "EUR",
"tcc": "Coupon",
"tid": "OD564",
"tr": 15.47,
"ts": 3.5,
"tt": 2.6,
"vid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
Items usually represent individual products. ITEM
hits must be associated with a TRANSACTION
Make sure the
hit that corresponds to thetid
argument is triggered before theITEM
hit, otherwise the hits will not be consolidated.
- An
hit must implement the requiredCommon Arguments - Common argument Type (
) must be set toITEM
Transaction ID
Required for ITEM
hit types
This argument allows an item to be linked to a transaction with a matching Transaction ID tid
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
tid | string | None | 500 Bytes | TRANSACTION, ITEM |
Example value: OD564
Example usage: tid=OD564
Item Name
This argument specifies the name of an item.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
in | string | None | 500 Bytes | ITEM |
Example value: Shoe
Example usage: in=Shoe
Item Code
This argument specifies an item's SKU or product bar code.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ic | string | None | 500 Bytes | ITEM |
Example value: SKU47
Example usage: ic=SKU47
Item Price
This argument specifies the price for a single unit of an item.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
ip | float | 0 | None | ITEM |
Example value: 3.50
Example usage: ip=3.50
Item Quantity
This argument indicates the number of units of an item that are purchased.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
iq | integer | 0 | None | ITEM |
Example value: 4
Example usage: iq=4
Item Category
This argument specifies the product category that an item belongs to.
Parameter | Value Type | Default Value | Max Length | Supported hit types |
iv | string | None | 500 Bytes | ITEM |
Example value: Blue
Example usage: iv=Blue
Implementation example
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"dl": "https://react-ecommerce-demo.internal.flagship.io/",
"ic": "SKU47",
"in": "Shoe",
"ip": 3.5,
"iq": 4,
"iv": "Blue",
"t": "ITEM",
"tid": "OD564",
"vid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
Experience Continuity
In case you're using Experience Continuity with the Decision API only and you're directly doing POST call to the Universal Collect, you have to pass the cuid
parameter corresponding to the authenticated visitorId.
Implementation example
Make sure that the Experience Continuity option is enabled on the Flagship platform before using those methods.
Previous endpoint note
The previous endpoint is still active: https://ariane.abtasty.com
curl -X POST \
https://events.flagship.io \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "{{environmentId}}",
"dl": "https://www.abtasty.com",
"t": "PAGEVIEW",
"vid": "anonymousID123",
"cuid": "18100217380532936",
curl -X POST \
https://ariane.abtasty.com \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "{{environmentId}}",
"dl": "HomeScreen",
"vid": "anonymousID123",
"cuid": "18100217380532936",
curl -X POST \
https://ariane.abtasty.com \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"dl": "https://react-ecommerce-demo.internal.flagship.io/",
"ea": "newsletterSubscription",
"ec": "Action Tracking",
"el": "optin",
"ev": 1,
"t": "EVENT",
"vid": "anonymousID123",
"cuid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
curl -X POST \
https://ariane.abtasty.com \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"icn": 12,
"pm": "Paypal",
"sm": "Fedex",
"ta": "Purchase",
"tc": "EUR",
"tcc": "Coupon",
"tid": "OD564",
"tr": 15.47,
"ts": 3.5,
"tt": 2.6,
"vid": "anonymousID123",
"cuid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
curl -X POST \
https://ariane.abtasty.com \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cid": "1234567890azertyuiop",
"dl": "https://react-ecommerce-demo.internal.flagship.io/",
"ic": "SKU47",
"in": "Shoe",
"ip": 3.5,
"iq": 4,
"iv": "Blue",
"t": "ITEM",
"tid": "OD564",
"vid": "anonymousID123",
"cuid": "18100217380532936",
"ds": "APP"
Hit validation
You can use this tool to help you validate the hits you send to Flagship
Updated 2 months ago