
This page contains an overview of the Flagship CLI and its command patterns and capabilities.

What does the CLI can offer ?

The Flagship CLI is a set of commands to create and manage your Flagship resources such as projects, campaigns, teams etc... You can use these commands to perform common Flagship platform actions from your terminal or through scripts and other automation.

Our CLI is built on top of our Remote Control API, enabling you to use direct API calls or use the CLI.

For example, you can use the Flagship CLI to manage :

  • Projects and campaigns
  • Users and environments
  • Panic mode

Download and install the Flagship CLI

The Flagship CLI can be installed and deployed in your infrastructure either by downloading and running the binary, or pulling and running the docker image in your orchestration system.

Using wget

wget -qO- | bash

Using cURL

curl -sL | bash

Using Homebrew

brew tap flagship-io/flagship
brew install flagship

Using a binary

You can download the latest binary here:

Using a Docker image

You can pull the latest docker image from docker hub: docker pull flagshipio/cli

Using Golang

You can pull the project from github and build it using golang latest stable version (+1.18):

git clone [email protected]:flagship-io/flagship-cli.git
cd flagship-cli
go build .

The Flagship CLI cheat sheet

For an introduction to the Flagship CLI, a list of commonly used commands, and a look at how these commands are structured, see the Flagship cheat sheet.

Command readable output

By default, when a Flagship CLI command returns a simple output.

Using the --output-format or -f option to produce a tabulated or flattened version of your output (for interactive display).

We provide a machine-readable version of the output :

  • JSON
  • pretty-json
  • table