React V3.1.X


SDK overview


Flagship React SDK only works with React hooks

Our React SDK only works with react hooks, if you want to use without it, you should use our Javascript SDK

Welcome to the Flagship ReactJS SDK documentation!

The following documentation helps you to run Flagship on your ReactJS environment (client-side or server-side).

Flagship ReactJS SDK provides a <FlagshipProvider />, which makes Flagship features available to the rest of your app.
Flagship features are accessible using Flagship hooks, have a look at the documentation for details.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this documentation.

SDK features

This SDK version helps you:


  • Node.js: version 6.0.0 or later
  • Npm: version 5.2.0 or later
  • React: version 16.8.0 or later (the SDK only supports hooks for now)

Good to know

Getting started


There are four steps to follow to get started with the React Flagship SDK.

  1. Install the node module
npm install
  1. Import the Flagship React provider

In most cases, do this in your App.js file to wrap your entire app with the provider.

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
    <FlagshipProvider>{/* [...] */}</FlagshipProvider>
  1. Initialize the provider

You must at least include the required props like envId, apiKey, visitorData.

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        context: {
        isAuthenticated: false
      {/* ... */}
  1. Use a Flagship hook in a component

In most case, you will get the desired flags.

import React from "react";
import { useFsFlag } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const flagBackgroundColor = useFsFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  return (
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flagBackgroundColor.getValue(),
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flagBackgroundColor.getValue()}

API Reference


Here is the full list of props available to use inside the FlagshipProvider React component:

envIdstringRequiredEnvironment id provided by Flagship.
apiKeystringRequiredApi authentication key provided by Flagship.
visitorDataobjectnullThis is the data to identify the current visitor using your app. See arguments
onInitStartfunction():voidnullCallback function called when the SDK starts initialization.
onInitDonefunction():voidnullCallback function called when the SDK ends initialization.
onUpdatefunction(object): voidnullCallback function called when the SDK is updated. For example, after a synchronize is triggered or visitor context has changed. See arguments
onBucketingSuccessfunction(object): voidnullDefine a callable in order to get callback when the first bucketing polling succeed.
see arguments
onBucketingFailfunction(object): voidnullDefine a callable to get callback when the first bucketing polling failed.
see arguments
onBucketingUpdatedfunction(Date): voidnullDefine a callable to get callback each time bucketing data from Flagship has updated.
see arguments
initialFlagsDataArray(object)undefinedThis is a set of flag data provided to avoid the SDK to have an empty cache during the first initialization.
initialCampaignsobjectundefinedThis is an object of the data received when fetching the Flagship decision API (decisionMode="API"). Providing this property avoid the SDK to have an empty cache during first initialization.
initialBucketingobjectundefinedThis is an object of the data received when fetching bucketing endpoint.
Providing this prop will make bucketing ready to use and the first polling will immediatly check for an update.
loadingComponentReact.ReactNodeundefinedThis component will be rendered when Flagship is loading at first initialization only. By default, the value is undefined. It means it will display your app and it might display default flags value for a very short moment.
fetchNowbooleantrueDecide to fetch automatically flags when SDK is initialized.
NOTE: When fetchNow=false the property loadingComponent will be ignored.
enableClientCachebooleantrueIndicates whether enables or disables the client cache manager.
By enabling the client cache, it will allow you to keep cross sessions visitor experience.
Note: The client cache is useful only when you do not specify a visitor id when creating a visitor. From there, you only need to be focus on handling the visitor context and whether he is authenticated or not. That's it.
Note 2: Not available on server side, this setting will be ignored
decisionApiUrlstring<>This setting can be useful if you need to simulate the API for tests such as end-to-end or if you want to move to an earlier version of the Flagship API.
decisionModeAPI | BucketingAPIIndicates the behavior of the SDK. In API mode, it will get the modifications using the Flagship decision API.
With Bucketing, it will load all campaigns once and compute the variation assignment of the visitor locally.
learn more
pollingIntervalnumber1Indicates the polling interval period in seconds when SDK is running Bucketing mode (decisionMode="Bucketing").
For example, if pollingInterval=5, a bucketing call will be trigger in background every 5 seconds.
Note 1: pollingInterval can't be lower than 1 second.
Note 2: if bucketing is enabled and pollingInterval value is 0, the polling will be done once.
timeoutnumber2Specify timeout in seconds for api request.
Note: timeout can't be lower than 0 second.
logLevelnumber9Set the maximum log level to display
logManagerobjectDefinedSpecify a custom implementation of LogManager in order to receive logs from the SDK.
Note: The object must fill Interface IFlagshipLogManager
hitDeduplicationTimenumber2.5Specify delay in seconds of hit deduplication. After a hit is sent, all future sending of this hit will be blocked until the expiration of the delay.
Note: if 0 is given, no deduplication process will be used
visitorCacheImplementationobjectDefinedDefine an object that implement the interface visitorCacheImplementation, to handle the visitor cache. see cache-manager
hitCacheImplementationobjectDefinedDefine an object that implement the interface IHitCacheImplementation, to handle the visitor cache. see cache-manager
disableCachebooleanfalseif it's set to true, hit cache and visitor cache will be disabled otherwise will be enabled. see cache-manager
statusChangedCallbackfunction(number):voidundefinedDefine a callable in order to get callback when the SDK status has changed.
see arguments.
onUserExposure deprecatedfunction(object):voidundefinedOptional
Define a callable to get callback each time a Flag have been exposed to to a visitor(activation hit has been sent) by SDK
see arguments
Note: deprecated use onVisitorExposed instead of
onLogfunction(level: LogLevel, tag: string, message: string):voidundefinedOptional
Define a callable to get a callback whenever the SDK needs to report a log
see arguments
trackingManagerConfigobjectdefinedDefine options to configure hit batching
Define a callable to get callback each time a Flag has been exposed to a visitor (When a flag has been seen by your visitor) and succeeded.
see arguments
Bucketing mode only
If true, will fetch the visitor's segment from universal data connector each time fetchFlags is called and append those segments

Decision Mode

DECISION-API Mode (by default)

When the SDK is running in API mode, the campaign assignments and targeting validation will be run through our Decision API. In this mode, each time a new Decision is required, it will create an HTTPS request to the API.
This mode is used by default for all our SDK.

Bucketing Mode

When the SDK is running in Bucketing mode, the SDK downloads all the campaigns configurations at once in a single bucketing file so that variation assignment can be computed client-side by the SDK. This bucketing file is stored in cache and will only be downloaded again when campaign configurations are modified in the Flagship interface. Learn more

DecisionMode is an enum defined decision type

DECISION_APIDECISION-APIstringFlagship SDK mode Decision API
BUCKETINGBUCKETINGstringFlagship SDK mode bucketing


The onUpdate object has one argument with the following shape:

fsModificationsArray or null. It contains the last modifications saved in cache. When null, it means the SDK still not ready. You can check the SDK status with other attributes.
configObject. The current configuration running on the SDK.
statusObject. Contains informations about the actual SDK status. (Details below 👇)

status object shape:

isLoadingBoolean. When true, the SDK is still not ready to render your App otherwise it'll use default modifications.
isSdkReadyBoolean. true after it has fully finished initialization tasks, false otherwise.
isVisitorDefinedBoolean. When true the flagship visitor instance is truthy, false otherwise.
hasErrorBoolean. true when an error occured inside the SDK, false otherwise.
lastRefreshString or null. The last update date occured on the flagship visitor instance.
firstInitSuccessString or null. When null no initialization succeed yet. When string contains stringified date of last successful initialization.


The onBucketingSuccess function has one argument with the following shape:

statusString. Returns either 200 (fresh update) or 304 (no change).
payloadObject. The latest bucketing data received.


The onBucketingFail function has one argument

errorobjectReturns the error occurred


The onBucketingUpdated function has one argument

lastUpdateDateGet the date of the latest update


The statusChangedCallback function has one argument

statusnumberStatus of the SDK. seeFlagshipStatus

onUserExposure deprecated

The onUserExposure function has one argument with the following shape:

paramUserExposureInfoGet data from exposed flag

UserExposureType shape

type UserExposureInfo = {
  flagData: {
    key: string
    value: unknown
    metadata: IFlagMetadata
  visitorData: {
    visitorId: string
    anonymousId: string|null
    context: Record<string, string|number|boolean>

key: flag key
value: flag value
metadata: Campaign information metadata see


visitorId: visitor id
anonomousId: anonymous id
context: visitor context


In some cases, you'll need to send information about the exposure (When a flag has been seen by your visitor), like sending visitor and flag data to third parties.

To centralize it, we provide a callback in the configuration option of the SDK.

The OnVisitorExposed function has one argument with the following shape:

paramOnVisitorExposedGet data from exposed flag

OnVisitorExposed shape

type OnVisitorExposed ={
    exposedVisitor: {
      id: string
      context: Record<string, string|number|boolean>
    fromFlag: {
      key: string
      value: unknown
      defaultValue: unknown
      metadata: IFlagMetadata
exposedVisitorobjectThis object represents the exposed visitor
fromFlagobjectThis object represents the exposed flag.
(The flag that has triggered the exposure)

exposedVisitor object shape

idstringvisitor id
anonomousIdstringanonymous id
contextRecord<string, string|number|boolean>visitor context

fromFlag object shape

keystringflag key
valueunknownflag value
defaultValueunknownflag default value
metadataIFlagMetadataCampaign information metadata see

Here is an example on how to use this callback:

Example with Mixpanel integration
Example with Segment integration

Learn more about getting flags


The onLog function has 3 arguments

levelnumberGet the log level. see LogLevel
tagstringGet the function that triggered the log
messagestringGet a description of the log

Usage :

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider, LogLevel } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false,
      onLog={(level, tag, message) => {
        console.log(`[${LogLevel[level]}] [${tag}] : ${message}`);
      {/* [...] */}


FlagshipStatus is an enum defining the different status of Flagship SDK

NOT_INITIALIZED0intIt is the default initial status. This status remains until the sdk has been initialized successfully.
STARTING1intFlagship SDK is starting.
POLLING2intFlagship SDK has been started successfully but is still polling campaigns.
READY_PANIC_ON3intFlagship SDK is ready but is running in Panic mode: All features are disabled except the one which refresh this status.
READY4intFlagship SDK is ready to use.

Flag data shape:

type FlagDTO= {
  key: string;
  campaignId: string;
  variationGroupId: string;
  variationId: string;
  isReference?: boolean;
  campaignType?: string;
  value: any;
keystringName of flag
campaignIdstringID of the campaign
variationIdstringThe variation ID assigned to the visitor
isReferencebooleanSpecify if its the reference variation
slugslugcampaign slug
valueanyValue of flag


LogLevel is an enum defined the level of log to receive

NONE0intLogging will be disabled.
EMERGENCY1intOnly emergencies will be logged
ALERT2intOnly alerts and above will be logged.
CRITICAL3intOnly critical and above will be logged.
ERROR4intOnly errors and above will be logged.
WARNING5intOnly warnings and above will be logged.
NOTICE6intOnly notices and above will be logged.
INFO7intOnly info logs and above will be logged.
DEBUG8intOnly debug logs and above will be logged.
ALL9intEverything will be logged.


The aims of this Interface is to define methods that an object must have in order to receive Flagship SDK logs

interface IFlagshipLogManager {
  emergency(message: string, tag: string): void;
  alert(message: string, tag: string): void;
  critical(message: string, tag: string): void;
  error(message: string, tag: string): void;
  warning(message: string, tag: string): void;
  notice(message: string, tag: string): void;
  info(message: string, tag: string): void;
  debug(message: string, tag: string): void;
  log(level: LogLevel, message: string, tag: string): void;
messagestringGet a description of the log
tagstringGet the function that triggered the log
levelnumberGet the log level.
Note: only for log method see LogLevel

Usage :

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const customLog = {
  emergency(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.EMERGENCY, message, tag);

  alert(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.ALERT, message, tag);

  critical(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.CRITICAL, message, tag);

  error(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.ERROR, message, tag);

  warning(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.WARNING, message, tag);

  notice(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.NOTICE, message, tag);

  info(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.INFO, message, tag);

  debug(message, tag) {
    this.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, message, tag);

  log(level, message, tag) {
    console.log(`[${LogLevel[level]}] [${tag}] : ${message}`);

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false,
      {/* [...] */}


The SDK allows you to send hits with a batching system, there is 3 options to configure it : cacheStrategy, poolMaxSize and batchIntervals.

The advantage of batch processing with the TrackingManager is to use less network traffic, avoid loss of hits with cache, and catch all hits that would failed and resend them.

For each hits emitted by a visitor, it will be added into an internal pool.
This pool is going to be emptied and a batch of hits will be sent when the poolMaxSize is reached or when the batchIntervals timer is triggered.

If a batch fails, all of the hits inside the failed batch will be added back into the pool for future iteration, the cache will be updated depending on the cache strategy used.

Note: At any time, when your app is about to close, you can call useFlagship().close() or Flagship.close() to batch and send all hits that are in the pool


KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
cacheStrategyCacheStrategy | number


Define the strategy that will be used for hit caching
see cacheStrategy


10 for browser
100 for nodeJs

Define the minimum number of hits the pool must reach to automatically batch all hits in the pool and send it

  • Must be greater than 5 otherwise default value will be used
  • Having a large poolMaxSize can lead to performance issues

5s for browser
10s for nodeJs

Define a regular interval in seconds to trigger batch processing

  • The process will batch all hits from the pool whether poolMaxSize is reached or not
  • Must be between 1sec and 10800s (3hours). Otherwise default value will be applied


cacheStrategy is an enum defining the different caching strategies


When a hit is emitted, it will be first cached in database using IHitCacheImplementation and added into the pool, then after batching and sending, it will also be flushed from database using IHitCacheImplementation.
Note: the SDK has a default cache implementation for browser using localStorage
Note: recommended


When a hit is emitted, it will be added into the pool, then after batching and sending, all database hits will be flushed, then the entire pool will be cached using IHitCacheImplementation for both actions.

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider, CacheStrategy } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID",
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false,
        cacheStrategy: CacheStrategy.CONTINUOUS_CACHING,
        poolMaxSize: 10,
        batchIntervals: 5
      {/* [...] */}


  • The CONTINUOUS_CACHING strategy (recommended ) should be used when your application is running in an environment where the probability of data loss is high.
    For example in a browser, a visitor can at any time reload the page and erase all data in memory.

Keep in mind that this strategy can do a lot of database I/O depending on how many hits your visitor can send.

  • The PERIODIC_CACHING strategy should be used when your application sends a lot of hits and the probability of data loss is low.

In this strategy, the number of I/Os in the database is low.



This is the most used hook from the Flagship React SDK. It gives further functionalities such as getting current flags of your actual visitor, send hit tracking, SDK status...

Returns an object. (Typescript: UseFlagshipOutput)

useFlagship output

visitorIdstringA unique identifier for the current visitor
contextobjectA dataset (object) that defines the current visitor.
setConsentfunction(hasConsented: boolean): voidSet if visitor has consented for protected data usage.
hasConsentedbooleanReturn True if the visitor has consented for private data usage, otherwise return False.
updateContextfunction(context: Record<string, boolean|string|number>): voidUpdate the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting. A new context value associated with this key will be created if there is no previous matching value. Context keys must be String, and values types must be one of the following : Number, Boolean, String.
See description.
clearContextfunction(): voidClear the actual visitor context.
See description.
getFlagfunction<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T): objectRetrieve a Flag object by its key. If no flag match the given key an empty flag will be returned.
See description
fetchFlagsfunction(): Promise<void>In DecisionApi Mode this function calls the Flagship Decision API to run campaign assignments according to the current visitor context and retrieve applicable flags.

In bucketing Mode, it checks bucketing file, validates campaigns targeting the visitor, assigns a variation and retrieve applicable flags.
See description
authenticatefunction(visitorId: string): voidAuthenticate anonymous visitor
See description
unauthenticatefunction(): voidThis function change authenticated Visitor to anonymous visitor.
See description
statusobjectGives you information about SDK current state. See description
flagsDataarray<object>An array of flag data
hitobjectGives you functions to send one or further hits. See description
closefunction(): Promise<void>Most of the time you don't need to manually close the SDK, but when your application is about to terminate, you should call the close method of the Flagship class to avoid data loss.

When called, it will batch and send all hits that are in the pool before the application is closed

useFlagship output setConsent

Set if visitor has consented for protected data usage.

  • setConsent(hasConsented: boolean): void;

It has one argument :

hasConsentedbooleanTrue if the visitor has consented false otherwise.

useFlagship output updateContext

Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting.

A new context value associated with this key will be created if there is no previous matching value.

  • updateContext(context: Record<string, string | number | boolean>): void

It has one argument :

contextobjectA Set of keys, values.

useFlagship output clearContext

Clear the actual visitor context

  • clearContext(): void

useFlagship output fetchFlags

In DecisionApi Mode this function calls the Flagship Decision API to run campaign assignments according to the current visitor context and retrieve applicable flags.

In bucketing Mode, it checks bucketing file, validates campaigns targeting the visitor, assigns a variation and retrieve applicable flags

  • fetchFlags(): Promise<void>

useFlagship output getFlag

Return a Flag object by its key. If no flag match the given key an empty flag will be returned. Call exists() to check if the flag has been found.

  • getFlag<T>(key:string, defaultValue: T) : IFlag<T>

keyStringkey associated to the flag.
defaultValueTflag default value.


  • Default value must be one of the following type : string, number, boolean, object, array.

useFlagship output authenticate

Authenticate anonymous visitor

  • authenticate(visitorId: string): void
visitorIdstringrequiredid of the new authenticated visitor.

useFlagship output unauthenticate

This function change authenticated Visitor to anonymous visitor

  • unauthenticate(): void

useFlagship output hit

sendTakes an object as parameter. The object must follow a hit shape.
sendMultipleTakes an array of object as parameter. Each object must follow a hit shape. You can mix different hit shapes within the array.

useFlagship output status

isLoadingIf true, the SDK isn't ready.
lastRefreshDate cast string with ISO format. This is the date corresponding to the most recent moment where modifications were saved in cache.


All useFlagship hook methods will be deactivated when visitor is not initialized except getFlag


This hook returns a Flag object by its key. If no flag match the given key an empty flag will be returned.

  • useFsFlag<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T) : IFlag<T>

keyStringkey associated to the flag.
defaultValueTflag default value.

Flag class api

getValue function

To retrieve flag current value, simply call value() method of the Flag object.

  • getValue(visitorExposed:boolean):T function

Returns the value from the assigned campaign variation or the Flag default value if the Flag does not exist, or if types are different.

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription

Tells Flagship the visitor have been exposed and have seen this flag. This will increment the visits for the current variation on your campaign reporting.
If needed it is possible to set this param to false and call visitorExposed() afterward when the visitor sees it.


Will return default value when visitor is not yet initialized

metadata property

You may need to send campaign IDs or variation IDs to a third party for reporting and/or analytics purposes. It is possible to retrieve campaigns metadata for a specific Flag.

  • metadata:IFlagMetadata

Return the campaign information metadata or an empty object if the Flag doesn't exist or if the default value type does not correspond to the Flag type in Flagship.

interface IFlagMetadata{
    variationId: string
    isReference: boolean
    campaignType: string
campaignIdstringID of the campaign
variationIdstringThe variation ID assigned to the visitor
isReferencebooleanSpecify if its the reference variation

visitorExposed function

By default when the method getValue() is called, The SDK considers that the visitor have seen the effets of your Flag, unless you pass false to getValue(). In this case you will have to call visitorExposed().

There are two ways for exposing a visitor to a flag:

  1. Pass an visitorExposed=true parameter to the getValue() method.
  2. Use the following visitorExposed() method from the Flag instance.
  • visitorExposed(): Promise<void>

Tells Flagship the visitor have been exposed and have seen this flag. This will increment the visits for the current variation on your campaign reporting. No visitor exposure will be sent if the Flag doesn't exist or if the default value type do not correspond to the Flag type in Flagship.

  • userExposed(): Promise<void> deprecated

Tells Flagship the visitor have been exposed and have seen this flag. This will increment the visits for the current variation on your campaign reporting. No visitor exposure will be sent if the Flag doesn't exist or if the default value type do not correspond to the Flag type in Flagship.


userExposed is deprecated, use visitorExposed instead

exists function

This method will return true if a Flag exists in Flagship

  • exists(): boolean

Getting flags

with useFsFlag hook


import React from "react";
import { useFsFlag } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const flag = useFsFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  const flagExists = flag.exists()
  const flagMetadata = flag.metadata
  return (
				// Report the flag exposure
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flag.getValue(),
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flag.getValue()}

with useFlagship hook


import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { getFlag } = useFlagship()
  const flag = getFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  const flagExists = flag.exists()
  const flagMetadata = flag.metadata
  return (
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flag.getValue(),
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flag.getValue()}

Report a Flag exposure

import React from "react";
import { useFsFlag } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const flag = useFsFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  const flagExists = flag.exists()
  const flagMetadata = flag.metadata
  return (
				// Report the flag exposure
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flag.getValue(),
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flag.getValue()}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { getFlag } = useFlagship()
  const flag = getFlag("backgroundColor","green")
  const flagExists = flag.exists()
  const flagMetadata = flag.metadata
  return (
				// Report the flag exposition 
        height: "200px",
        width: "200px",
        backgroundColor: flag.value(),
      {"I'm a square with color=" + flag.value()}

Fetching Flags

with useFlagship hook


import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { fetchFlags } = useFlagship()
  return (
    		// Notify success...
    		// Notify error...
      Trigger a fetch flag

Managing visitor consent

With Flagship React SDK, you can manage visitor consent for data privacy usage. When False, campaign activation and hits will be disabled.

There are 2 ways to set visitor consent :

  1. Set hasConsented key to true or false in props VisitordData of FlagshipProvider
  2. Use setConsent method of useFlagship hook


import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: null, // or remove this line
        context: {
          // some context
        hasConsented: true, // set hasConsented to true or false
      {/* [...] */}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { setConsent } = useFlagship()
  return (
      Accept consent 


When a visitor sets consent to false, the data collection features (visitorExposed and sendHit) will be deactivated for them and all hits related to the visitor will be flushed from the pool and the cache.

Update context with predefined keys of context


import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider, DEVICE_LOCALE } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: null, // or remove this line
        context: {
          [DEVICE_LOCALE]: "fr",
  			hasConsented: true, // set hasConsented to true or false
      {/* [...] */}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { updateContext } = useFlagship()
  return (
         [DEVICE_LOCALE]: "fr"
      Trigger update context

Learn more about predefined keys of context

Experience continuity


Make sure that the experience continuity option is enabled on the flagship platform before using those methods.

It might happen that a visitor from your app is not yet recognized and is being authenticated (and recognized) later on...

From there, we provide the ability to ensure that during such transition, your visitor will keep same experience (meaning targetting still the same campaign's variations and thus same modifications).

In order to do a successful experience continuity, we will have to distinguish when the visitor is anonymous or authenticated.

Let's assume basic scenario to understand how things work:

1. Your visitor arrives on your app for the first time

We need to initialize the visitor but as we don't know anything about this visitor, we'll create a random visitor id or let the SDK do it for us. You can also specify some visitor context if necessary.

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: null, // or remove this line
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false, //
      {/* [...] */}

Whatever how it has been set, the actual visitor id will be what we call its anonymous id.


Be aware that when you do not specify a visitor id, as enableClientCache is enable by default, the SDK will try to find a previous visitor experience. If so, the new visitor will have the same visitor id as it was during the previous visitor session. From there, no id will be automatically generated.

  1. Your visitor is signing in.

We need to set the value of visitorData.isAuthenticated to true or call the method authenticate of useFlagship hook.

Moreover, the visitor id set should be an existing visitor id (that has previously seen specific campaign's flags) in order to make the experience continuity effective.

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "AUTHENTICATED_ID",
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: true,
      {/* [...] */}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { authenticate } = useFlagship()
  return (
  			// ... sign in code
      Trigger sign in

This new visitor id is what we call its authenticated id.

The visitor is updated as authenticated, keeping the previous variations from campaigns that are still matched and thus gives you same modifications as before being logged in.


Keep in mind that if the visitor also has its context changed, you might still have changes on flags as your visitor might target new campaigns.

  1. Your visitor decide to sign out.

We need to set the value of visitorData.isAuthenticated back to false.

If you want to keep the same visitor (anonymous) experience as before, depending on the value of prop enableClientCache, you'll have to:

  • enableClientCache=true: the sdk will put back the previous anonymous id
    automatically based on data from cache.
import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: null,
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false, // <--- back to false
      {/* [...] */}
import React from "react";
import { useFlagship } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { unauthenticate } = useFlagship()
  return (
  			// ... sign out code
      Trigger sign out
  • enableClientCache=false: you should specify in
    prop, the same value as you set in step 1.
import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_VISITOR_ID", // <--- same value as step 1
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false, // <--- back to false
      {/* [...] */}

If you need a completly brand new visitor experience, you should put a new visitor id in prop instead:

import React from "react";
import { FlagshipProvider } from "";

const App = () => (
        id: "YOUR_BRAND_NEW_VISITOR_ID", // <--- new value
        context: {
          // some context
        isAuthenticated: false, // <--- back to false
      {/* [...] */}

Hit Tracking

This section helps you track your visitors in your application and learn how to build hits in order to feed your reports. For more information about our measurement protocol, read our Universal Collect documentation.

There are five different types of Hits available:

  • Page
  • Screen
  • Transaction
  • Item
  • Event


import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
    		const pageHit = {
          type: HitType.PAGE,
          documentLocation: "https://localhost",
        		// Notify success
        		// Notify error
      Send a hit
PAGEstringPAGEVIEWVisitor has seen a URL.
SCREENstringSCREENVIEWVisitor has seen a screen.
TRANSACTIONstringTRANSACTIONVisitor has made a transaction.
ITEMstringITEMItem bought in a transaction.
EVENTstringEVENTVisitor has made a specific action.

They must all be built and sent with the following functions from the `useFlagship hook

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
      type: HitType.PAGE,
      documentLocation: "https://localhost"
   		 // or send multiple
        type: HitType.PAGE,
        documentLocation: "https://localhost"
        type: HitType.SCREEN,
        documentLocation: "home"
      Send a hit

useFlagship output hit.send function

Send Hit to Flagship servers for reporting.

  • send (hit: IHit): Promise<void>
hitobjectrequiredHit to send. see Hit

useFlagship output hit.sendMultiple function

Send Hits to Flagship servers for reporting.

  • sendMultiple(hits: IHit[]): Promise<void>
hitArray<object>requiredA set of Hit to send. see Hit

Hit common optional parameters

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
      type: HitType.PAGE,
      documentLocation: "https://localhost",
      userIp: "",
      screenResolution: "800X600",
      locale: "fr",
      sessionNumber: "1234"
      Send a hit

userIpString(Optional) Visitor IP
screenResolutionstring(Optional) Screen resolution.
localeString(Optional) Visitor language
sessionNumberstring(Optional) Session number


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on a new page.

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
    const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship();

    useEffect(() => {
            type: HitType.PAGE, // or "PAGEVIEW",
            documentLocation: '<PAGE_URL>' //
    }, []);

    return <>{/* [...] */}</>;

  • A hit of type Page has this following structure:
typestring (PAGEVIEW)requiredtype of hit. see HitType
documentLocationStringrequiredValid url.


This hit should be sent each time a visitor arrives on an interface on client side.

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
    const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship();

    useEffect(() => {
            type: HitType.SCREEN, // or "SCREENVIEW",
            documentLocation: '<SCREEN_NAME>'
    }, []);

    return <>{/* [...] */}</>;

  • A hit of type Screen has this following structure:
typestring (SCREENVIEW)requiredType of hit. see HitType
documentLocationStringrequiredName of screen.


This hit should be sent when a visitor completes a Transaction.

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
          type: HitType.TRANSACTION, //or "TRANSACTION"
          transactionId: "#12345",
          affiliation: "affiliation",
          taxes: 19.99,
          currency: "USD",
          couponCode: "code",
          itemCount: 1,
          shippingMethod: "road",
          shippingCosts: 5,
          paymentMethod: "credit_card",
          totalRevenue: "199.99"
      Send a hit

A hit of type TRANSACTION has this following structure:

typestring (TRANSACTION)requiredType of hit. see HitType
transactionIdStringrequiredUnique identifier for your transaction.
affiliationStringrequiredThe name of the KPI that you will have inside your reporting. Learn more
totalRevenuefloatoptionalSpecifies the total revenue associated with the transaction. This value should include any shipping and/or tax amounts.
shippingCostsfloatoptionalThe total shipping cost of your transaction.
shippingMethodStringoptionalThe shipping method for your transaction.
taxesfloatoptionalSpecifies the total amount of taxes in your transaction.
currencyStringoptionalSpecifies the currency of your transaction. NOTE: This value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
paymentMethodStringoptionalSpecifies the payment method used for your transaction.
itemCountintoptionalSpecifies the number of items in your transaction.
couponCodeStringoptionalSpecifies the coupon code used by the customer in your transaction.


This hit is used to link an item with a transaction. It must be sent after the corresponding transaction hit.

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
          type: HitType.ITEM, //or "ITEM"
          transactionId: "#12345",
          productName: "product",
          productSku: "sku123",
          itemPrice: 199.99,
          itemQuantity: 1,
          itemCategory: "test"
      Send a hit

A hit of type ITEM has this following structure:

typestring (ITEM)requiredType of hit. see HitType
transactionIdStringrequiredUnique identifier for your transaction.
productNameStringrequiredName of your item.
productSkuStringrequiredSpecifies the SKU or item code.
itemCategoryStringoptionalSpecifies the category that the item belongs to.
itemPricefloatoptionalSpecifies the price for a single item/unit.
itemQuantityintoptionalSpecifies the number of items purchased.


The Item hit isn't available yet in the Flagship reporting view.


This hit can be used for any event (e.g. Add To Cart click, newsletter subscription).

import React from "react";
import { useFlagship, HitType } from "";

export const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { hit: fsHit } = useFlagship()
  return (
          type: HitType.EVENT, //or "EVENT"
          category: EventCategory.USER_ENGAGEMENT, // or EventCategory.ACTION_TRACKING
          action: "click",
          label: "label",
          value: 100,
      Send a hit

A hit of type EVENT has this following structure:

typestring (EVENT)requiredType of hit. see HitType
categorystringrequiredSpecifies the category of your event. NOTE: This value must be either User Engagement or Action Tracking.
actionstringrequiredEvent name that will also serve as the KPI that you will have inside your reporting. Learn more
labelstringoptionalAdditional description of your event.
valueintegeroptional(optional) Can be used to evaluate visitor interactions with individual site objects or content items.
NOTE: this value must be non-negative / non-float

Managing visitor cache

The aims of the cache management is the response to the following problematic:

  • Re-allocation in bucketing mode :

In bucketing mode, the SDK will always keep visitor in variation where he was allocated first, in case of the customer or the dynamic allocation has changed the traffic allocation. Indeed in bucketing mode the assignation is made on local device so changing campaign allocation in the platform would make visitors to see different campaigns.

  • Handle offline mode on client side :

With the cache enabled, the SDK will try to retrieve the latest visitor data (campaign assignations) from the cache, also will save all the failed hits and visitorExposed in order to resend them later.

By default the Flagship ReactJS SDK provide a default cache manager implementation. It is possible to use your own cache manager by implementing the intefaces IVisitorCacheImplementation and IHitCacheImplementation through visitorCacheImplementation and hitCacheImplementation props of FlagshipProvider.

Visitor Cache

The visitor cache is used to store the visitor data in a database through the IVisitorCacheImplementation interface which defines the methods that an object must implement in order to handle it.

interface IVisitorCacheImplementation {
  cacheVisitor: (visitorId: string, Data: VisitorCacheDTO) => void;
  lookupVisitor(visitorId: string): VisitorCacheDTO;
  flushVisitor(visitorId: string): void;

cacheVisitor function

This method is called when the SDK needs to cache visitor information in your database.

  • public cacheVisitor(visitorId: string, Data: object):void

It has 2 arguments :

visitorIdstringvisitor ID
Dataobjectvisitor data. The object follows the shape of type VisitorCacheDTO.

lookupVisitor function

This method is called when the SDK needs to get the visitor information corresponding to visitor ID from your database.

It has to return an object of type VisitorCacheDTO which follows this shape see.

  • public lookupVisitor(visitorId: string): object

It has one argument :

visitorIdstringvisitor ID

flushVisitor function

This method is called when the SDK needs to erase the visitor information corresponding to visitor ID in your database.

It will be called every time setConsent get false.

  • public flushVisitor(visitorId: string): void

It has one argument :

visitorIdstringvisitor ID


  • flushVisitor method will be called every time setConsent get false.

type VisitorCacheDTO = {
  version: number;
  data: {
    visitorId: string;
    anonymousId: string | null;
    consent?: boolean;
    context?: Record<string, boolean|number|string>;
    campaigns?: Array<{
      campaignId: string;
      variationGroupId: string;
      variationId: string;
      isReference?: boolean;
      type: string;
      activated?: boolean;
      flags?: Record<string, unknown>;

Hit Cache

The hit cache is used to store hits in your database depending on strategy used through the IHitCacheImplementation interface which defines the methods that an object must implement to handle it.

interface IHitCacheImplementation {
    cacheHit(hits: Record<string, HitCacheDTO>):Promise<void>
    lookupHits():Promise<Record<string, HitCacheDTO>>
    flushHits(hitKeys: string[]): Promise<void>
    flushAllHits(): Promise<void>

cacheHit function

This method will be called to cache hits depending on cache strategy used.

  • public cacheHit(hits: Record<string, HitCacheDTO>):Promise<void>

It has 1 argument :


It's a key/value object where the:

  • key is a unique ID for each hit
  • value is an object that follows the shape of type HitCacheDTO.

lookupHits function

This method will be called to load all hits from your database and trying to send them again in the background.

It has to return an object where the key is a unique ID for each hit and the value is an object of type HitCacheDTO which follows this shape see.

  • public lookupHits():Promise<Record<string, HitCacheDTO>>

flushHits function

This method will be called to erase all hits matching the unique Hits ID from your database.

NOTE: It will be called every time setConsent get false to erase all hits from database for visitor who set consent to false.

  • public flushHits(hitKeys: string[]): Promise<void>

It has one argument :

hitKeysArray<string>Unique ID of hits

flushAllHits function

This method will be called to erase all hits in your database without exception.

  • public flushAllHits(): Promise<void>

type HitCacheLookupDTO = {
  version: number;
  data: {
    visitorId: string;
    anonymousId: string | null;
    type: HitType | "ACTIVATE";
    time: number;
    content?: Record<string, unknown>;


  • The flushHits method will be called whenever the visitor's consent changes to false.
  • Hits older than 4H will be ignored during the resending process.


Predefined visitor context keys

The Flagship SDK contains predefined visitor context keys.

The keys marked as Yes in the Auto-set by SDK column will be automatically set, while the ones marked as No need to be set by customer.

You can overwrite these keys at any time. The keys-value pairs will be sent to the server in the visitor context and can be edited in the Persona section of the Flagship platform.

SDK constant NameDescriptionContext variable nameTypeAuto-set by SDKExample
DEVICE_LOCALELanguage of the devicesdk_deviceLanguageStringNofra
DEVICE_TYPEType of the devicesdk_deviceTypeDeviceTypeNoMobile
DEVICE_MODELModel of the devicesdk_deviceModelStringNosamsung E1200
LOCATION_CITYCity geolocationsdk_cityStringNotoulouse
LOCATION_REGIONRegion geolocationsdk_regionStringNooccitanie
LOCATION_COUNTRYCountry geolocationsdk_countryStringNoFrance
LOCATION_LATCurrent Latitudesdk_latDoubleNo43.623647
LOCATION_LONGCurrent Longitudesdk_longDoubleNo1.445397
IPIP of the devicesdk_ipStringNo127.0.0.1
OS_NAMEName of the OSsdk_osNameStringYESubuntu / centos
OS_VERSION_NAMEVersion name of the OSsdk_osVersionNameStringNo9.0.0
OS_VERSION_CODEVersion code of the OSsdk_osVersionCodeNumberNo24
CARRIER_NAMEName of the carrier or mobile virtual network operatorsdk_carrierNameStringNofree
INTERNET_CONNECTIONWhat is the internet connectionsdk_internetConnectionStringNo5g
APP_VERSION_NAMEVersion name of the appsdk_versionNameStringNo1.1.2-beta
APP_VERSION_CODEVersion code of the appsdk_versionCodeNumberNo40
INTERFACE_NAMEName of the interfacesdk_interfaceNameStringNoProductPage
FLAGSHIP_CLIENTFlagship SDK client (Reserved)fs_clientStringYesTS
FLAGSHIP_VERSIONVersion of the Flagship SDK (Reserved)fs_versionStringYes2.0.0
FLAGSHIP_VISITORCurrent visitor id (Reserved)fs_usersStringYesvisitor_id


To overwrite the keys, use the updateContext method


This Flagship SDK is distributed under the Apache version 2.0 license.