JUMP TOFlagship - Remote Control APIGuideGetting startedAuthorizationGlossary and global api helpersGenerate a tokenpostProjectsGet projects of the accountgetCreate a projectpostGet one projectgetDelete a projectdeleteUpdate a projectpatchToggle a project statepatchCampaignsGet campaigns of the account environmentgetCreate a campaignpostGet one campaigngetDelete a campaigndeleteUpdate a campaignpatchToggle a campaign statepatchVariation GroupsGet variation groups of the campaigngetCreate a variation grouppostGet one variation groupgetDelete a variation groupdeleteUpdate a variation grouppatchVariationsGet variations of the variation groupgetCreate a variationpostGet one variationgetDelete a variationdeleteUpdate a variationpatchAccount EnvironmentsPanic the account environmentpatchUsersGet users of the account environmentgetUpdate the users of the account environmentputDelete the users of the account environmentdeleteTargeting KeysGet targeting keys of the accountgetCreate one/multiple targeting key(s)postGet one targeting keygetDelete a targeting keydeleteUpdate a targeting keypatchFlagsGet flags of the accountgetCreate one/multiple flag(s)postGet flags usages of the accountgetGet one flaggetDelete a flagdeleteUpdate a flagpatchGet flag usages of the account environmentgetUpdate flag usagespostGet one flag usagegetGoalsGet goals of the account environmentgetCreate a goalpostGet one goalgetDelete a goaldeleteUpdate a goalpatchPanic the account environmentpatch https://api.flagship.io/v1/accounts/{account_id}/account_environments/{account_environment_id}Update the panic mode of the account environment